29 May, 2022
How to Avoid News Saturation
Borg, Free Speech, Renormalizing Thermostats - Energy Drainers
You see, when you're borg it's like having an octopus in your butt hehe - check out Oliver Heldens x Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) [Official Music Video] https://youtu.be/kcZMCMI24gs
I don't like that most people are just keeping a low profile, and then whoever speaks, who has the main word, is constantly charged for something. I sort of like the free speech absolutist approach.
Moronic is a perfect language for the absurd: should we emulate psychocrats, and renormalize thermostats considering climate change, as they did with the IQ scale regarding the Flynn effect 😲
A psychic vampire (or energy vampire) is a fictional and religious creature said to feed off the "life force" of other living creatures.
There Is a Story Behind Everything, but...
They say
there is a story behind everything
but this bloggers' post seems inappropriate:
https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1419184341951913986?s=20&t=E9wRdQygTT--jywvE7NL1Q.Funny Picks for Tomorrow
Justin Bieber ft. Lil Wayne: Bieber Fever! Key of Awesome #19
27 May, 2022
Freedom Under Siege
Freedom is under siege in eastern Europe, it's no big news. Belarusian blogger Roman Protasevich was recently canceled in a pirate manner. Also in the correlated Balkan area, things need to improve. If the current pandemic was the test of the generation, as they announced, then that area has failed, they are acting as the weakest link in the global chain.
Funny Picks for Today
Big gaffe, BG makes a rude signal - shake hands with another hand in his pocket?! Bill Gates is one of my favorites, a true savior nowadays, he can still improve to be a better person. I like his blogging, philanthropy, and volunteer work.
20 May, 2022
Harmony, Digital Arts by Luka Jagor | Artmajeur
27 April, 2022
Thinking, Speaking, Doing
It can be heard by psychocrats that there is little difference between saying something and doing the same thing, but I deeply disagree. Although I am not a shrink I believe there are three basic cognitive states: thinking, speaking, and doing; such as the three basic aggregate states of matter: gaseous, liquid, and solid. These three basic cognitive states are separate but intertwined, I honestly think it is better to think about everything, rave, be ready, and not react wrongly to some action at a certain moment. I see myself as an extrovert, but I wouldn’t expose myself too much in the current hostile environment regarding civil rights violations in the pandemic and fossil fuels crisis.
18 April, 2022
Reliving the Dead - How to Setup Mars in 4 Key Steps
- Mars particle deflector - More on Atmospheric Incubator and Space Elevator
- Oxygen & fusion generators - Artificial Intelligence Speeds Up the Artificial Sun Project — AI Software to Find Holy Grail in Fusion Energy
- Atmospheric weather controller - Luka Jagor on Twitter: It's nice to see meteorology acting proactive...
- Adding bio-life
It's imperative to get proper legal papers for such an ambitious plan, especially with interplanetary "contamination", the precautionary principle has no role here. We need to be strong and fearless to gain possession of that future construction site, not pussyfooting with general-purpose philosophers.
29 March, 2022
Internet Community Is Essential
The existence of the internet community is essential for well-being because we're all in the same boat. Maybe more like a yellow submarine 😊 I'm positive, after reliving the madness and discomfort there should be better days to come. Factors that produce #ClimateChange are deep-rooted, lots of effort is needed to overcome them.
16 March, 2022
My View of Compromise
Compromise is important because it saves energy, however, in that mode, it is not likely that either party involved in the conflict will be completely satisfied, victorious. Compromise should always be used as a tool for dialogue to continue, not as a purpose in itself. Compromise does what's best and helps you get closer to someone without causing too much stress so long-lasting relationships are possible.
In the context of negotiation, a big role is a person who has a lot of power or leverage in the negotiation. They may be able to offer concessions that will make it easier for the other party to accept the deal.
Putting oneself in a big role means taking on more responsibility for achieving an outcome, which could be beneficial if you can meet those expectations.
I was taught I should never be uncompromised, so I mostly take the "easy way out".
09 March, 2022
My View on Latest Events - Malformed Developments, Catastrophes, Miseries
- Escape rooms contribute to fear business
- A short-sighted rebel with ebullient psychocracy make people feel dull, tired
- There is no need for armed conflicts, there should be many layers of peacekeeping plan preventing it
08 March, 2022
Physical Activity Boosts Karma, Immunity
There are so many good effects of physical activity, I'm sure it boosts karma, immunity. I'll continue moderate training, hoping to burn out the extra fat. They say: "It’s All About the Journey" anyway, so I believe as long as I'm out in nature, breathing clean air, moving, working hard on my cardio and aerobic exercises, I'm good. For years and years, I try to get myself in shape. My calculation is always based on the same thing - experts say it's healthy to lose 2 kilos per month, not more. It sounds really good actually because in, let's say, 10 months a person can lose 20 kilos, which is much. I just hope I'll be successful this time.
Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/m0SLQa9keob
06 March, 2022
Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work
The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. Some other renewable projects pollute the environment too. We need to stop concreting, limit the consumption of the resources. There must be a feasible alternative for the solution to the problem of renewables💡 production, not another bulky construction.
03 March, 2022
Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Is Healthy and Trendy
Deficiency of a protein called RbAp48 in the hippocampus appears to significantly contribute to the memory loss that creeps up on you as you age.
I've been a vegetarian for almost 7 years and it's been good for me because now, finally, I feel like I've gained strength.
However, I would like to emphasize from my personal experience and intuition - never neglect proteins, their daily intake, it's very important!02 March, 2022
Reawakening of Transparent Alpha Channel in an Image
I was looking at transparent (O)LED desktop screens and I'm thinking how will it reflect in PNG, WEBP formats that support transparent alpha channel. Probably they should be portrayed all the way to go through the screen while browsing the web, for example. I'm sure new, breakthrough technology will bring a new type of GUI that will dazzle us even more.
01 March, 2022
Astonishing Quotes for Today & Visuals
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
Who is who and where is where - I don't know and I don't care.
23 February, 2022
Actual Social Contacts Sometimes Seem Less Real Than Online Ones
There is no transcript or timeline in your actual social contact, nothing you can grasp if you encounter a problem, especially regarding two-sided meetings. Social networks and texting apps are better for archiving your precious communication logs, they are hardly ever doctored.
Go on, be safe and secure to entrust your life decisions to big tech companies, because if their infrastructure is compromised they will surely suffer even greater compensation, and you can always complain to Consumer Organisation.
22 February, 2022
The Dissidents Are Intriguing
A dissident is a person who actively challenges an established political or religious system, doctrine, belief, policy, or institution.There is also The Dissident (2020) - a movie we should all check out, but it's amazing how sometimes those minority groups outweigh the insipid majority.
The term was used mainly from 1970 to 1990 primarily for intellectuals and artists who publicly advocated for the establishment of civil rights... ...to be victims of rigged political trials in which they were threatened with imprisonment, forced labor...
17 February, 2022
Selected Anniversaries - Rudolf Diesel's First Working Diesel Engine
People jog, exercise before work then go to work, often driving their cars. I believe it would be much more efficient to leave a car altogether, and live a healthy life, regardless of its status symbol. Statistics say you use the car only 4 percent on average of your time. Believe me, walking should be the transportation of the future
- 1894 – Rudolf Diesel's first working diesel engine ran for one minute.
A vehicle engine is important and good in some cases because it can provide transfer of people to hospitals and many other places, but it's bad because old-fashioned engines pollute the environment. We could focus on leaving cars ownership and settling in some cozy public transportation or car sharing.
Many say the self-driving car is a utopian desire, but I would like to be an optimist.
In my opinion, car ownership just consumes resources.
11 February, 2022
Blogger Seeking True Beliefs
People seeking true beliefs choose their beliefs based on an integrated assessment of the available relevant and reliable evidence. Their beliefs are based on a deep understanding of each belief, in combination with an assessment of the correspondence of their beliefs with reality and the coherence with other beliefs.
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel ↯