12 November, 2022

ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱᴰ Party General Rehearsal

Naughty kids of goodwill or naughty kids in a bad mood are sometimes 🆗 but please, I hope the party will go smoothly.

Output power 2x40 Watts - that's the total capacity, I believe that quiet space, away from the city crowd, for this size of the gathering, is ideal. Only 69 kilometers from Ludbreg Center of the World 😊 will ensure you'll have a first-class party 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Backup is a portable Bluetooth speaker.



I’m so happy and satisfied, festive to be a part of this global 8 billion-people settlement we call Earth.

28 October, 2022

Stop Speeding Up the Process of Demolishing Life

Rituals, runtime, and burn-out syndrome have some effects on the older ones. Rituals are conducted by people, whereas a runtime (stage of the programming lifecycle), or an algorithm, is performed by a machine, usually a computer. It must be said that Earth will be protected, not entrusted to dilettantes. The universe is a place of inevitable destruction, but it does not give you the right to speed up the process and demolish the Earth, our life. Therefore, all those making big bucks on dirty business should stop because it's completely wrong and awful. Exxon posts record profit, Chevron tops estimates - I mean, where does it all end❓

Art is Also Important

I’m an artist living in Zagreb, Croatia. I am a fan of technology, design, and writing. Knowledge is power, but art is also important.
I have always loved doing abstract design using computers. At the beginning of the millennium, I experimented a lot with various filters for raster processing, but I gave up productivity because of critics. I was focused more on web design, I designed 🎨 my first website in 2004. But again in 2011 something attractive inspired me for designing, that's how my "Lovebirds to be" digital art graphics arose. I continued growth gradually by creating digital artwork in 2014, and 2017. I've sped up my creativity expression by creating a website completely dedicated to my graphics in 2018. Ever since I've published more than a hundred times. I'm trying to be open to new technology ideas, so I've created a virtual reality exhibition in 2021 and I plan the same this 2022 year.

26 October, 2022

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference is Approaching

Peace is not the lack of movement, but the warmth in the heart. Like there is a notion of an active holiday, as silly as it sounds, we should connect, and blog to preserve fragile peace. There are many volunteers around the world and I wish to congratulate them for their perseverance. I hope very much that the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be a success.

Check out this alarming article:


05 October, 2022

Popularizing Science

If we should go directly to the aggression source we should be careful because black-body radiation is significant.

There are so many galactic sights to cover before sending a probe to a black hole, yet much curiosity arises from such a perspective.

New ideas will emerge compatible with new theories, I would definitely like to show my admiration for the latest project of the deceased Stephen Hawking "Constraining the Multiverse" - that's where should be the focus of popularizing science.


I'm with a band, with broadband hehe.

02 October, 2022

Updates on Rave the World Radio

The problem with the playlist is now fixed, you can download the 'm3u ' playlist directly.


16 September, 2022

Mixing Music Stuff

This is my first music mashup, I hope you'll like it ⬇

Monolink - Return To Oz (ARTBAT Remix) (Edit) - Luka Jagor AltMix

Luka Jagor: Rave the World Radio https://www.ravetheworldradio.com/

31 August, 2022

Protect Central Banks - With the Digital Era Prosperity Will Come to Light

Central banks need to be protected, which in turn protects price stability, without stable prices the numismatic story falls, so culture loses. On the other hand, I am not a big fan of tradition, but it is certainly important that the conversion is done without sudden changes.

25 July, 2022

Keeping Utopia Values and Goals Longer

Who is the real founder of democracy, or to put it differently "The mother of democracy"? Democracy is generally etiologically associated with the efforts of the ancient Greeks. Are the Christians with their cardinals - the men who will elect a new Pope on the death of the current incumbent - the real founder of democracy; India has its own argument to be the mother of democracy I suppose; and so does Croatia - with The Republic of Ragusa. In my opinion, just because parliament exists doesn't automatically mean the Republic is a real Democracy with human rights in place and equality for all its citizens. The Parliament of England is from the 13th century, but the Althing - the oldest surviving parliament in the world, is the national parliament of Iceland. The Althing is the oldest legislature in the world that still exists. It was founded in 930. Surely, French Revolution has popularised human beings as individuals best suited to democracy, protected by human rights, and represented in the parliament. I remain against direct democracy because representative democracy is better for keeping utopia values and goals longer.

Read more: https://www.blogger.luka.jagor.info/2020/03/flavors-of-democracy-in-my-opinion.html

30 June, 2022

Timeless questions? ( 6ᵗʰ part )

1) What is Stockholm syndrome and how is it related to Swedish House Mafia?

I believe the connection between these two concepts is that it is very difficult to leave. In the first, similarly to the second, there is a sense of belonging because the victim is allowed to perform basic life (physiological) needs.

2) When will the weather get back to normal and who/what ruined it?

The weather isn't getting back to normal, there are too many factors working against it. When you ask yourself who/what ruined the weather take a look at any environmental documentary, it's about time.

My Market Watch

My daily monitoring of the stock market is a must, but superficial. I applaud recent value cuts to ease inflationary pressure. The USA stock bubble reminds me so much of Japan's bubble in the late 80'.

My heart totally agrees with Buffet's approach to cryptocurrencies, but if I had the opportunity would invest, I've set up my crypto-wallet. I'm waiting for the act of kindness by my audience to start filling it. The thing I don't like the most about cryptocurrencies is energy consumption and the long time of the transaction. That's a big downside. 

I'll remain modestly optimistic hoping a new version of the cryptocurrencies ecosystems will be better, keeping the terminology (brand). Such improvement is easy to expect in "Internet Technology", but, I know, it's easier said than done.

29 May, 2022

How to Avoid News Saturation

I give this example to explain how news can be a drag without a proper interpreter - 12.2 km hole vertical to Earth but the accompanying Earth diameter is 12.742 km. 

Another problem was with a 'Fake News' chase - when people wanted to write about Jupiter's Great Red Spot - it's nothing new therefore it's not the news - it could be 'Fake News'. But now things changed unevenly and Great Red Spot is different.

My way of avoiding news saturation is blocking all IM, SMS, and mob app notifications, except Natural Disaster Alert System of course, because it looks too radical for me to delete social network profiles altogether. Viral marketing produces many last-minute offers that you couldn't normally resist, the end of this massive salle-out begins with environmental concerns. There will always be another puppy to buy or another movie to rent, the key is acting restrained.

Borg, Free Speech, Renormalizing Thermostats - Energy Drainers

You see, when you're borg it's like having an octopus in your butt hehe - check out Oliver Heldens x Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) [Official Music Video] https://youtu.be/kcZMCMI24gs

I don't like that most people are just keeping a low profile, and then whoever speaks, who has the main word, is constantly charged for something. I sort of like the free speech absolutist approach.

Moronic is a perfect language for the absurd: should we emulate psychocrats, and renormalize thermostats considering climate change, as they did with the IQ scale regarding the Flynn effect 😲

A psychic vampire (or energy vampire) is a fictional and religious creature said to feed off the "life force" of other living creatures.
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There Is a Story Behind Everything, but...

 They say 

there is a story behind everything

but this bloggers' post seems inappropriate:


I'm sure many people reported it, but I would really like to know what's the story behind it, some stream of thought. This meme at best looks just like an empty sitting duck without posting elaboration.

Funny Picks for Tomorrow

Russian Army Choir - Skyfall (Adele Cover)

Justin Bieber ft. Lil Wayne: Bieber Fever! Key of Awesome #19

Boris Johnson puts a foot on the table at Elysee Palace


Don't confuse them with those Artists from Sweden 😕

27 May, 2022

Freedom Under Siege

Freedom is under siege in eastern Europe, it's no big news. Belarusian blogger Roman Protasevich was recently canceled in a pirate manner. Also in the correlated Balkan area, things need to improve. If the current pandemic was the test of the generation, as they announced, then that area has failed, they are acting as the weakest link in the global chain.

Funny Picks for Today

Big gaffe, BG makes a rude signal - shake hands with another hand in his pocket?! Bill Gates is one of my favorites, a true savior nowadays, he can still improve to be a better person. I like his blogging, philanthropy, and volunteer work.

27 April, 2022

Thinking, Speaking, Doing

It can be heard by psychocrats that there is little difference between saying something and doing the same thing, but I deeply disagree. Although I am not a shrink I believe there are three basic cognitive states: thinking, speaking, and doing; such as the three basic aggregate states of matter: gaseous, liquid, and solid. These three basic cognitive states are separate but intertwined, I honestly think it is better to think about everything, rave, be ready, and not react wrongly to some action at a certain moment. I see myself as an extrovert, but I wouldn’t expose myself too much in the current hostile environment regarding civil rights violations in the pandemic and fossil fuels crisis.

18 April, 2022

Reliving the Dead - How to Setup Mars in 4 Key Steps

  1. Mars particle deflector - More on Atmospheric Incubator and Space Elevator
  2. Oxygen & fusion generators - Artificial Intelligence Speeds Up the Artificial Sun Project — AI Software to Find Holy Grail in Fusion Energy
  3. Atmospheric weather controller - Luka Jagor on Twitter: It's nice to see meteorology acting proactive...
  4. Adding bio-life 

It's imperative to get proper legal papers for such an ambitious plan, especially with interplanetary "contamination", the precautionary principle has no role here. We need to be strong and fearless to gain possession of that future construction site, not pussyfooting with general-purpose philosophers.