12 August, 2023

π˜³π˜¦π˜‰π˜­π˜°π˜¨ ♻️ 2018 - Domestic Violence - a Radical Turn Away in Just a Few Decades - and More

Back in the old days, you should beat your son if he has slept with a man, or a wife if she got high and burned a lunch. It was desirable action of the head of the family, seen as an "educational measure". Luckily, values have changed in just a few decades. Now you could be charged with domestic violence, but there is a lot of confusion. Here, in Croatia, domestic violence is a crime for about 20 years and legal practice is often misused. Nowadays authorities get confused with Istanbul Convention/Declaration of Istanbul, I'd say?! trib.al/SmSPCdb

Beating as an "educational measure" in school is unacceptable now, but still, there are "extreme" sports like boxing (olympic sport) or street fighting. From my perception, it is sadistic with a high gay factor (yeah gay 😘 πŸ€™), something like bathing in freezing water during the night. People practicing such "extreme" sports should go to a shrink rather than to a ring hehe. Maybe it is a collective response to social traumas from the past like eunuchism?

I can imagine how difficult it is to explain to kids that violence is good if it is fun, I will never understand that worldview. It is confusing - you can applaud boxing/street fighting on TV, but cannot practice it on a street. Kids are very confused and they are often being recorded by smartphones in some "ultimate fighting" beating match in a playground or a street. Please stop such awful behavior.

The adults should take responsibility and blame for the confusion, it is their wrongdoing. I believe that boxing or street fighting are extreme sports and that extreme sports are lying and deceiving.

My life is not a video game, stop sports, especially the competitive sports industry crisscrossed by crime.

02 August, 2023

More On Hate Speech

As I've said before - hate speech defined as an explicit call for violence is bad. Otherwise, with hate speech, you can describe something very bad, and express your feelings. Why not? Freedom of speech, expression - it's very important, but I would always rather communicate verbally, than non-verbally (gestures/body talk). For a sweet talker it's very difficult to sell transcripts in third-world countries. Indeed, people need more guidance for online blogging, that's a huge market for grammar/spelling correction software empowered with AI. Such a tool is a "must have" - it saves tons of money, a workaround to avoid lawsuits. Prevention programs like that, either as a standalone app or as a plugin, should be accessible to everyone ASAP.

01 August, 2023

𝔾𝕠 π•π•–π•˜π•’π•Ÿ, π•π• π•π•¦π•Ÿπ•₯𝕖𝕖𝕣, ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕀𝕀𝕦𝕣𝕖

Go vegan, volunteer, pressure; tomorrow never dies. You can do it, look at me being vegetarian for almost a decade. I would love to be vegan as well, but I'm still exploring possibilities. Never give up, never retreat, and keep pushing forward. 

26 July, 2023

Making Changes in Turbo Times

If only there's willpower to accept SI units worldwide or to adopt English - as fast as Musk is redesigning Twitter. Then, maybe πŸ€” a world can have a chance winning climate criminals and their fossil fuels schematics. Otherwise, no one wanna be redundant.

24 July, 2023

Hard Or Salt Water, What's The Difference?

Hard water is water that has high mineral content (in contrast with "soft water").

Saline water (more commonly known as salt water) is water that contains a high concentration of dissolved salts (mainly sodium chloride).

- from Wikipedia, the πŸ†“ encyclopedia

Additionally, view this video about Acid Rain ☔ it's very informative πŸ™‚

01 July, 2023

UFOs and Drugs Consumption From My Perception

I would say that both subjects are tricky, people can say "Oh you're crazy". But the fact of the matter is there's a huge market - not just in books, TV Rights, movies, and magazines - also there's darknet working around the clock. Please lower your explorer spirit, and don't let yourself be dragged into almost inevitable oblivion, tagged life, or plain marginalization for investing suchlike activities. It doesn't mean that - if you're on drugs you'll see UFOs, and vice reverse - if you see UFOs you are on drugs, but chances do grow, I'm sure. Local people are always skeptical of newcomers, they've been there a long time and see things... 

Drugs do exist, they are bad, UFOs - I don't think so?! UFOs need to be studied more, openly and honestly because people have the right to know the truth, but be extra extra careful.

Happy 𝐖𝐨𝐫π₯ππŸ—Ί π”π…πŽ πƒπšπ²πŸ“† 2023 ..

Midday Walk - Nice & Hot πŸ”₯

30 June, 2023

Dj Basilisk is Hosted Today on Rave the World Radio

An extravagant, OTT mix by DJ Basilisk is hosted today on Rave the World Radio. Starting around 11 PM UTC, have a ball 😊

20 June, 2023

Diminishing Standard of Living & Quality of Life

This boat is sinking, this road is shrinking… we need to get out of the work-related cult ASAP. Some blame labor costs, especially work at home, for inflation, and diminishing quality of living. In Japan, there is auto-censorship, I suppose, because we know how hard they work, but they don't record all the hours. 

I'm very 'pro' universal basic income, I believe it's the best way to shake up the market in the long term.

18 June, 2023

Ever-changing Atlas of the Solar System ⎯ in Numbers & More - Updating...

Since the planets and other large objects constantly change masses and volume - their orbit around the sun makes an ever-changing atlas of the Solar System. https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/is-jupiter-getting-bigger/

I don't believe these two points above have much to do with "Space Expansion"; don't get confused?!

Here is my 'quora' question:

New Mixing Music Stuff & Extraordinary Songs Starting With a Letter 'e' - Updating...

I hope you'll like it ⬇

ATB - Ecstasy (Morten Granau Remix) - Luka Jagor AltMix

Luka Jagor: Rave the World Radio https://www.ravetheworldradio.com/ 

Playlist of songs starting with a letter 'e':  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0egXVXqNlTt7TR2RpsudqLbrg5h2f_aL

  • ATB - Ecstasy (Morten Granau Remix)
  • SNAP! - Exterminate (Endzeit 7) [feat. Niki Haris]
  • Loreen - Euphoria
  • Kx5 - Escape (feat. Hayla)

15 June, 2023

My View of a Cuckoo Clock

In my opinion, a small or medium size cuckoo clock is nice. I would even say it can help with burglars - to me, it's almost like a pet. I will cherish my legacy for as long as I can. I especially like my old-fashioned wall 🧱 clock, although it's not a 'Cuckoo Clock' it's very nice and warm.

13 June, 2023

ᡁᴾᴰᴬᡀᴱᴰ & πŸ” My View on »Psychedelic Art« and More

Even the term "psychedelic" itself underwent a semantic shift, and soon came to mean "anything in youth culture which is colorful, or unusual, or fashionable." Wells, Brian. Psychedelic Drugs. New York: Jason Aronson, 1974. pgs. 19-20, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_art#cite_ref-8
The term "Psychedelic art" was originaly coined by British psychologist Humphry Osmond. I don't like this term, it is old and misshapen way to talk about art. The term "Psychedelic art" offends me as a web designer and I hope that it will no longer be used.

It's also quite annoying seeing 'Dr' in name titles of people hanging out on social networks, don't you think so  😊 Not thinking about Dr. Dre of course 🀣

11 June, 2023

Bureaucratic Business and Clientelism

Bureaucratic business and clientelism suit hybrid humans best (not to mention physically injured, of course). Is the industry doing irreparable damage? ⎯Psychocrats are misusing techno blah-blah, putting people in their own 'mill' so to speak... It is necessary to slowly, naturally begin to restore man's being, as opposed to the freaky space research laboratories that we are all perfidiously forced into.


02 June, 2023

ᡁᴾᴰᴬᡀᴱᴰ To Get You Pumping

Visit https://www.foodbeveragediary.luka.jagor.info/?wn=16&cl=224315856000

Here is something that will get you pumping and make your eyes bewildered - a food plan till year 9999 😊

With more than a hundred vegetarian lunch menus, different breakfast and dinner menus, and six meals per day, this computer-generated food plan is incredible.

The database has more than 2 million rows, each representing one nutrition day, you can download compressed XML file here.

It's my effort to bring closer "Project Blueprint" with starving people needing food. I wish good luck to you all, but please keep in mind your principles of how's good in doing good 😊