You'll always be in my heart
#Palestine is the well-known position of non-governmental organizations for human rights, similar to the way that no one has risen on that political issue, and many have fallen on the 'social ladder' because of expressing their views.
Democracy itself may depend on it, and also there is a time factor... Good luck! Another thing, I remember Yasser Arafat, who was to a certain degree modest. He won Nobel Prize for his efforts to create peace in the Middle East, but it wasn't enough.
After his death, Hamas took over the government on democratic elections. They were said to be fiercer. And as I say: the weather/time is like youth - hotter, hits harder, don't you think so? There should be a whole bunch of updates to patch society, wrong natural selection that has been carried out for millennia. I don't think it's ever going to happen from this standpoint of mine.
Good luck once again!
It's Done, Like a Real Cake :) |
"food is not to be wasted" - but you cannot force someone into eating it either.
People need to work out a solution for better food distribution, just like any other resource.
The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...