19 March, 2024

My View of a Full-time Influencer

ln so-called picture-perfect world it's hard to be an influencer with a pocket full of dreams. People need more than raw ingenuity: they want someone pleasant to see the eye, with good manners too. An honest person with a soft heart ❤️πŸ’•πŸ’ž

15 March, 2024

Pounding, Hitting With a Hammer, Drilling, Sawing in My Neighborhood

I would concentrate on the issue of stress. Yet restless neighborhood. I guess the coronavirus infection crisis and that kind of new normal will falter. Well, construction works are carried out non-stop throughout the year in the residential area of family houses. It's about installing a facade, changing the roof, a complete construction from the ground up, or just some cosmetic changes - pounding, hitting with a hammer, drilling, sawing... it has a bad effect on animals - I know they're being annoyed. I wouldn't work at home in that area.

12 March, 2024

My Best Text Lines Regarding Prison Time Are Motivation and Call-to-action

Please STOP with death πŸ’€☠️ penalty - punish NOW.

China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United States of America - they are leading with state killings, but there's also blurry 'euthanasia' problem in many not-so-know operations across the globe.

There are plenty of dreamers with #hyperactivity facing a big prison time challenge. How nice it would be to escape from a manic street world into a safe environment. I firmly believe in #rehab, peaceful, quiet time without too much #prisontalk. Facilities should be modernized to minimize precious human personnel work and to save lives. People are often been tempted and pushed far beyond the boundaries of good taste, harassed to give up with good deeds. ADHD is overrepresented in prisoner populations. And that's why they are in prison, carrying a heavy burden of that condition.

Our clean energy future is unstoppable. 

The fight against silent, fake 'euthanasia' is crucial for the lives of young people in the 21st century.

Drug addicts, please overcome your nasty habit in rehabilitation. Stop criminal activity synergy NOW! When you wake up in the morning make a plan for the coming day. At the end of the day, doing introspection, ask yourself how much of your plan has come true. Business as usual - no pasaran.

Speak up # Rave on

Sneakers are being misused in #sport #trash sport. Go vegan, volunteer, pressure. We're living on borrowed time. Sons of the motherland, dogs of war... forget about total institutions.

It's very nice how care is taken to avoid over-indebtedness. People need a hard, rigorous revolution of economics, which is based on outdated philosophy, and input parameters.

Rat kings & kingdoms should end, so we can all be free.

11 March, 2024

πŸ†• Raindrops (Heart) & Water Distortion Animation Implementation from Codepen 2024

With new website update you can animate every image of more than two hundred available.
Rubicon - Luka Jagor - Digital Art

Check out my Digital Art website redesign - all images are now available as animation likewise.

06 March, 2024

Fighting in Survival

People need to accept dogs as one of the deadliest animals in the world. Most often dogs πŸΆπŸ• can be found on πŸ” 10 the deadliest animals list.

I'll remain a friend of animals and I'm positive those groupings don't have much correlation with speciesism.

But, it worries me when I go to nature to see such monsters. Are they like pets or domestic animals? - Man-made 'objects'. Nowadays scientists claim human beings have existed in the last hundred thousand years. That's a long time. Specifically, a dog as a species hangs out with us humans for ten thousand years, roughly.

Please hold your dog on a leash and fitted with the muzzle, except in specialized areas like dog parks.