29 January, 2022

Make Amnesty International More Influential

To be honest, I don't understand all the fuss about reading books, I mean, people are overloaded with information (noise) as it is, aren't they? I remember when we were reading poems in school there was always buffer time between reading and commenting. Also, I remember the Albert Einstein's story, when he took some time to think things over he has learned in college, only then did his great theories come to light. Maybe it's time for the creative pause so that humanity can make a proper response to written literature, but I know, it's an utopian suggestion.

I see the Universe - not as inevitable destruction, but rather as a well of life.

The problem is we're living on borrowed time, I would visualize Gaia as a horse, we're riding, but she wants to overthrow us. It's not news, but the situation is worsening because too many people are suffering, animals too, and when you suffer Gaia suffers as well. I believe we need to make Amnesty International more influential and get out of the aforecited vicious circle.

Make friends with Earth, connect with it, be nice and forget about invasive fossil fuels. 

28 January, 2022

Great Patriarchal Mentality Blocking Europe Integration

The world is like our young people - even fiercer, crueler. If you are a pacifist they are discrediting you, now are "in trend" those who are advocating the return of gladiators, MMA - that's cool, not peace on Earth.

I like the idea of ​​the United States of Europe, I would like English to be the official language - one nation, one language, and no Slavic or anything like that. So best of all, USE is the future, especially since the population is declining, we would have less to worry about.

We need to continue the processes of European integration, reduce bureaucracy, use algorithms to detect corruption. I believe that the Swiss, Icelanders, Norwegians, Britons, and others will see the right path and rely more firmly on togetherness because they are already living well from the stability of the European Free Trade Area. I do not believe that Russia and Turkey will join soon, due to the great patriarchal mentality - this does not happen with the rule of individuality and glorification of life, which is the main European stronghold.

A lot needs to change, not just something, but I think people are not ready because they are too comfortable and not ready for addictive sacrifices, they are afraid of change. Specifically, I think that, for example, there should be no re-concreting in construction.

07 January, 2022

My Opinion About Web3 and Metaverse

In my opinion, at the time being, web3 is just an attempt to utilize Ethereum's Smart Contract API. If everything goes well there will be crypto-tokens instead of logging and passwords to browse user content. Those crypto-tokens costs and I see it as monetization of websites, just like NFTs were for Digital Art.

In hypothetical 'web3' you'll have to spend a lot more money just to browse the web with all those access crypto-tokens. It's pay-per-view.

Benchmarking of web3 would always show significant downside, by several orders of magnitude, compared with the regular server technology. However, such non-common sense could generate more income for fewer working hours at the tiptop of the ⚡ hype expansion.

At the time being, my strong belief is that Metaverse just reflects a real-world scenario, meaning if you are unsuccessful in real-world - your "Avatar" will just reflect that condition no matter of social network brand name, to better support the establishment.