27 April, 2022

Thinking, Speaking, Doing

It can be heard by psychocrats that there is little difference between saying something and doing the same thing, but I deeply disagree. Although I am not a shrink I believe there are three basic cognitive states: thinking, speaking, and doing; such as the three basic aggregate states of matter: gaseous, liquid, and solid. These three basic cognitive states are separate but intertwined, I honestly think it is better to think about everything, rave, be ready, and not react wrongly to some action at a certain moment. I see myself as an extrovert, but I wouldn’t expose myself too much in the current hostile environment regarding civil rights violations in the pandemic and fossil fuels crisis.

18 April, 2022

Reliving the Dead - How to Setup Mars in 4 Key Steps

  1. Mars particle deflector - More on Atmospheric Incubator and Space Elevator
  2. Oxygen & fusion generators - Artificial Intelligence Speeds Up the Artificial Sun Project — AI Software to Find Holy Grail in Fusion Energy
  3. Atmospheric weather controller - Luka Jagor on Twitter: It's nice to see meteorology acting proactive...
  4. Adding bio-life 

It's imperative to get proper legal papers for such an ambitious plan, especially with interplanetary "contamination", the precautionary principle has no role here. We need to be strong and fearless to gain possession of that future construction site, not pussyfooting with general-purpose philosophers.