25 July, 2024

Slow Progress in Millennium Goals

A green landscaping project for backyards in my town will start soon. I'm very excited and enthusiastic about it. “In order to adapt to climate change, improvement biological diversity and reducing energy consumption.”

Who knows, maybe I will participate in a public discussion with some of my original ideas through the new official website “one of a series of digital tools with which we strive to improve transparency and efficiency” - www.Zagreb.hr

21 July, 2024

No To Hate

We must never forget how easily hate speech can turn to hate crime
António Guterres from United Nations

Please, also be aware that this is only true when defined as an explicit call for violence.

Rave on!

Never give up. Never retreat. Keep pushing forward. I am with you.
António Guterres from United Nations

17 July, 2024

My View of Active Tourism

... achieving a deep and engaging experience of the destination’s attractions

We need to raise the quality of active tourism, so that there is more profit.

A good example is this article: https://www-vecernji-hr.translate.goog/zagreb/istrazili-smo-uljara-u-branimirovoj-propadat-ce-jos-godinama-a-tri-su-razloga-zasto-1552724?_x_tr_sl=hr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp about the old, abandoned oil mill in the city center. I worked there as a young man, it was an incredible experience. Tourists need more authentic goings-on.

07 July, 2024

We Must Refrain From Physical Violence and Psycho-trauma Too

Please end armed conflicts, and unite in lasting peace. Imagine how nice it would be to stop the tragic sequence of circumstances that so often leads to evil. I don't know whether it is unusual languages as the basis of worldview and thinking or something else that bothers people. We must refrain from physical violence, and psycho-trauma too can cause real physical damage.

23 June, 2024

Uncork the Power of Smartphone Synergy (Symphony)

Audio latency is the delay between when an audio signal enters and when it emerges from a system. Potential contributors to latency in an audio system include analog-to-digital conversion, buffering, digital signal processing, transmission time, digital-to-analog conversion and the speed of sound in air.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


22 June, 2024

»»ᅳ𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕱𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 ᅳ► 🆕 𝕽𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖕𝖊



Add the ingredients: a cup of flour and warm water, a small teaspoon of baking soda, two teaspoons of vinegar, vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt, very little citric acid - as a stabilization. Mix everything well, so there are no lumps. Heat oil in a skillet and fry until golden.

21 June, 2024

ᴮᴸᴼᴳᴳᴵᴺᴳ Haunted Houses - Exposed! - 🆕 Feuilleton

I have made the decision to produce a novel online television series, titled Haunted Houses. Here are some old posts I captured:


I will always wear specialist socks for such a show program

No worries!

20 June, 2024

What is the Truth About Climate Justice?

Ultraviolet (UVA & UVB) radiation is getting worse, I suppose.

UVB is very good cuz it's the main source for producing vitamin D, but still... it can damage skin without you know it.

The ozone layer in the atmosphere is expected to return to normal. Together with oxygen, it protects from excessive sunlight.

Please stay focused and concentrate on cognitive credibility.

16 June, 2024

𝕽𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖆𝖚𝖈𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖆




  • Spaghetti, ketchup, oil, water, salt and parsley
Red Sauce Recipe:
  • Put the oil in the pan to thickly cover the bottom and turn on the stove. Put ketchup and mix with a food processor. Then add salt and parsley, stirring constantly. Immediately after that, add five times as much water as you put the oil at the beginning. Preparation time: 2-5 minutes.

13 June, 2024

💯 ᴼʳᶦᵍᶦⁿᵃˡˢ More Peace and Quiet

Manual mode, semi-automatic, or full automatic options for changing gears? I would say people are missing the point - cuz the essence is in the trumpet 🎺 People need more peace and quiet; why not make a car horn to work in manual mode? 

12 June, 2024

15 Minutes × Five Minutes of Fame

A very short time in the spotlight or brief flurry with fame, after which the person or subject involved is quickly forgotten.
Wiktionary, the free dictionary
The galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, is the length of time needed for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. One galactic year is 230 million Earth years.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Considering, it's 10–40 years of galactic minutes in down-to-earth scale. People want more, of course. Check out this article: The universe may have a complex geometry — like a doughnut 

Space has the center, and it's probably spinning. We need to define The Universe (Space) Year much simillary like The Galactic Year was defined. Maybe then my glow will be spotted even more.

You - do smth!

10 June, 2024

Make the Giant Leap With Smartphones OSes

There are so many programming languages and so few smartphones OSes. People need scalability as well as cross-platform compatibility, like with websites. Also, it's good to have quality choice with affordable price. Please, come together and make the giant leap, especially in the emerging market. Don't let insufficient competition ruin your field of interest; act today and continue tomorrow...

04 June, 2024

Monkey is the "Golden Mean" For Celestial Uprise

Why did nature choose monkey (so to speak) for celestial uprise or cosmological expansion, how some would say...? I believe it's because funny enough looking at - I mean - if anyone is going to make it -- it's gonna be - monkey (so to speak). Monkey is the "Golden mean" between oceans and sky, between the fish and the birds. I would put my bet as well on monkey 4 sure, but I'm not that type of person...

01 June, 2024

No time to wait. #ActOnClimate

Fossil fuel companies will not lead us out of this crisis.
Mike Hudema

People need to get out of business as usual routine. Preferably, with brand new business models—not green washing. I mean, fossil fuel companies could transform into carbon-zero, but it would take them a couple of hundred years... We need to act now & globally. Please make a peaceful and environmentally friendly contribution for this worthy cause. Stop drilling the ocean, stop drilling agreement is important. Stop plastic pollution coz plastic is both: underrated and consumed too much. But, first and foremost, construction of any kind needed to be revised, just like religious associations that keep them busy. 

Leadership needs fresh, new faces - prepared for extensive debates. 

Not drugged people on ego trips; please stop with your alcohol problems as well.

Not to mention your contribution to Big Tobacco + consequently Big Pharma mob phonies = with inhaling 70 types of poison every day.


30 May, 2024

Much Anticipated 'organic' Growth  & More

My roses are growing. From some sort of artistic perspective, this could be a visualization of Musk's plan:

Making humans a multi-planetary species

🐝 Bee Bath is also on the desirable path. Recently, it was subjected to testing by mosquitoes and other insects. Today, I've actually seen a bee nearby 🙂 I'm pouring water 💦 every day.

Celebration of Croatia's Statehood Day

Croatian people wated to live in freedom, democracy, multi-party system, rule of law, protection of human rights, all those freedoms that we associate with free societies
said Gordan Jandroković, President of the Croatian Parliament
People need fresh happenings to achieve happiness—so desired, wanted, and needed by Croatians. Statehood Day is an important holiday to spend time with friends and family.

22 May, 2024

Mighty Hash Moves - Who Can Afford It?

Within my vicinity, I feel that the animals are happy. The weather is mild, there is no damage, and the water level of the river is optimal. Let's not ruin a good picture with rash decisions.

19 May, 2024

Check Out This Cool Article

People need air, water, food, shelter, and other bare necessities - this Universal basic income (UBI) is the best method.

11 May, 2024

Save the Poor and Needy

Save the poor and needy because now is the time to act. Please stop the usual routine, try something sustainable, the current model is eating itself - to put it simply. People need to reason with snobs, just like they reasoned with anti-vaxxers in the recent pandemic. Please stop criminal activities - they disturb the character of people like drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings - they are the most numerous today. I would also like to emphasize once again the silent crucial problem - the 'euthanasia' of drug addicts, thieves and other 'low lifes'. 𝖲𝖳𝖮𝖯 𝖨𝖳 𝖭𝖮𝖶. Any reasonable, conscious being would agree with me, I'm sure. I fully support the high values of the recent "New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness". 𝖦𝖨𝖵𝖤 𝖠𝖭𝖨𝖬𝖠𝖫𝖲 𝖠 𝖡𝖱𝖤𝖠𝖪. Stop zoos, animal research, exploiting of any kind 𝖠.𝖲.𝖠.𝖯. There is ample evidence for the 'one organism' hypothesis of Earth (Gaia), not to mention everyday life...

07 April, 2024

🆕 ✍️ 4 »»ᅳᑕᒪIᗰᗩTE ᗩᑕTIOᑎᅳ►



04 April, 2024

Sustainable Development Goals & Green Revolution

A feasible plan should be invented to move the industry as far as possible from harmful effects on people. They wrote about ideas of moving industry into space, specifically a pharmaceutical business. We should continue to take bold similar moves in the chemical industry, computer hardware industry, and so on... I praise 𝙿𝙴𝚃𝙰 - for banning slaughterhouses; No place for them cuz animal welfare concerns.

I see Nasdaq high in orbit going above 100 thousand 😊 reassuring green revolution has succeded.

02 April, 2024

My Gardening Hobby Continues

I present this Lamprocapnos stronger than ever. I can say with extreme happiness from the bottom of my heart that my dream of 'organic' growth came true regarding roses last year 🌹

It was a difficult year for me in my personal life, nevertheless, I was successful. In my garden roses flower 🌺 in April or May till December. This year I've seeded tomatoes on the balcony, to increase green occupancy.

Irises are to flower soon, there is more rain 🌧️ this year, much more than two years ago. I would love for this global warming to stop, to revert climate catastrophe effect, but we all understand it's impossible...




01 April, 2024

The Matrix Anniversary

Trying hard to get Matrix Anniversary CSS - first the showcase video, then the user uploads custom video. Eventually, it's gonna be open source - a cool widget available for every web portal

29 March, 2024

The Power of Time and Gaia

I found this mixture of rock/concrete and ordinary brick on the beach sightseeing the Adriatic coast. It's amazing how many years have passed ever since, I still haven't lost this ornament. For me, it's a valuable lesson about the influence of time-space in microcosmos. Also, I see the connection, the extraordinary role I play in making people happy: last year I visited the Adriatic coast just for a couple of days ⎯ funny-looking Mammatus clouds covered the sky ⎯ it was all over the news 😊

I want to be an influencer who makes a difference to make the world a much better place.

Announcement of 🄱🄻🄾🄶🄶🄸🄽🄶 🄼🄰🅁🄰🅃🄷🄾🄽 ②⓪②④ ⎯ 1 - 12 of April


19 March, 2024

My View of a Full-time Influencer

ln so-called picture-perfect world it's hard to be an influencer with a pocket full of dreams. People need more than raw ingenuity: they want someone pleasant to see the eye, with good manners too. An honest person with a soft heart ❤️💕💞

15 March, 2024

Pounding, Hitting With a Hammer, Drilling, Sawing in My Neighborhood

I would concentrate on the issue of stress. Yet restless neighborhood. I guess the coronavirus infection crisis and that kind of new normal will falter. Well, construction works are carried out non-stop throughout the year in the residential area of family houses. It's about installing a facade, changing the roof, a complete construction from the ground up, or just some cosmetic changes - pounding, hitting with a hammer, drilling, sawing... it has a bad effect on animals - I know they're being annoyed. I wouldn't work at home in that area.

12 March, 2024

My Best Text Lines Regarding Prison Time Are Motivation and Call-to-action

Please STOP with death 💀☠️ penalty - punish NOW.

China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United States of America - they are leading with state killings, but there's also blurry 'euthanasia' problem in many not-so-know operations across the globe.

There are plenty of dreamers with #hyperactivity facing a big prison time challenge. How nice it would be to escape from a manic street world into a safe environment. I firmly believe in #rehab, peaceful, quiet time without too much #prisontalk. Facilities should be modernized to minimize precious human personnel work and to save lives. People are often been tempted and pushed far beyond the boundaries of good taste, harassed to give up with good deeds. ADHD is overrepresented in prisoner populations. And that's why they are in prison, carrying a heavy burden of that condition.

Our clean energy future is unstoppable. 

The fight against silent, fake 'euthanasia' is crucial for the lives of young people in the 21st century.

Drug addicts, please overcome your nasty habit in rehabilitation. Stop criminal activity synergy NOW! When you wake up in the morning make a plan for the coming day. At the end of the day, doing introspection, ask yourself how much of your plan has come true. Business as usual - no pasaran.

Speak up # Rave on

Sneakers are being misused in #sport #trash sport. Go vegan, volunteer, pressure. We're living on borrowed time. Sons of the motherland, dogs of war... forget about total institutions.

It's very nice how care is taken to avoid over-indebtedness. People need a hard, rigorous revolution of economics, which is based on outdated philosophy, and input parameters.

Rat kings & kingdoms should end, so we can all be free.

11 March, 2024

🆕 Raindrops (Heart) & Water Distortion Animation Implementation from Codepen 2024

With new website update you can animate every image of more than two hundred available.
Rubicon - Luka Jagor - Digital Art

Check out my Digital Art website redesign - all images are now available as animation likewise.

06 March, 2024

Fighting in Survival

People need to accept dogs as one of the deadliest animals in the world. Most often dogs 🐶🐕 can be found on 🔝 10 the deadliest animals list.

I'll remain a friend of animals and I'm positive those groupings don't have much correlation with speciesism.

But, it worries me when I go to nature to see such monsters. Are they like pets or domestic animals? - Man-made 'objects'. Nowadays scientists claim human beings have existed in the last hundred thousand years. That's a long time. Specifically, a dog as a species hangs out with us humans for ten thousand years, roughly.

Please hold your dog on a leash and fitted with the muzzle, except in specialized areas like dog parks. 

25 February, 2024

Enhancing Your Experience While Visiting Nature


there aren't enough public toilets

My view of new toilets (high-end)

...In that name, I propose the construction of a new age toilet on all important world squares. New age toilets are mimicked - meaning a mirror on the outside and glass on the inside.

Free Digital Age Manifesto (reblog 2011)

23 February, 2024

ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱᴰ The Aggression Must Stop

Don't spit in the wind, switch to the solar bus. Tram installations are far too expensive. We need more real politics, some kind of children's video games ⎯ no... People are interested in how we will defeat world hunger, climate change, and global warming, and how to get rid of accumulated problems in a corrupt society. I'd like the youth to beat clientelism. Crippling of human rights no more. It seems to me that there are 600 thousand citizens (HR data) who are of the age to be able to work but do not work. They are not taken into account when presenting data on the unemployment rate. The hair-dressed data of the psychocracy suits doctors and quackery - they make the most money. Military doctrines are as important as their operations. When the army training was half a year, almost everything was learned up to the oath. After that comes specialization and guarding. The villains say that perfection is just stagnation... - no way to get away from the military regime and the police state. Some kind of super-soldier, RoboCop, lets him fight in video games with the opponent, who, as they say, is the same, only on the other side... The people of the new century need a new practice, a climate crisis has begun where climate criminals are a big threat to business. We must strengthen the institutions of civil, secular society. Realistically, no one likes officers, just remember the millennial photos. As they annoy dogs and animals, they also annoy technical devices, machines - and people. Young people are getting fiercer and more brutal, I don't blame them because it's not easy to live with the elderly. Sometimes I think spoiled brats will tear the sky apart; luckily it didn't happen. Once again, we need to stop the violent conflicts and use the strong power of good to disrupt the plans of the thugs. The aggression must stop.

"More" - Derivative work https://www.luka.jagor.info/More.html

19 February, 2024

ᴺᴱᵂ ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱ Amaryllis is Blooming 🌄




●        ●        ●



I'm very happy 😊



●        ●        ●





●        ●        ●



     I'm sure - to a fairly great extent - it will blossom any minute now     



●        ●        ●


13 February, 2024

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

People need to break the vicious cycle: 

  • not drinking sufficient water
  • don't move enough
  • and finally, there aren't enough public toilets.

With the positive enegy of healthy people a planet will profit likewise - cuz no one likes suffering.

#StrongerTogether #ActNow

08 February, 2024

Requirements for a Healthy, Fluttering Life From My Perspective

  • A healthy, fluttering life requires patience and a lot of goodwill. People out of ignorance often criticize the so-called "Google Doctor". One thing is certain - we need cheap and effective solutions for prosperity. Self-help emerges as the optimal tool. I think we need to hear about self-help a lot more, but before, DIY programs were much more popular. Just as children learn how to deal with finances and pocket money - why not self-help? We are very close to self-destruction, as a human race, we are at the very beginning of the climate crisis. We must give knowledge to our youth to survive
  • I repeatedly advocate for the mass installation of public toilets in squares, intersections, parks... Only by the movement of office characters can we defeat thousands of types of rare diseases, hereditary, as well as senile diseases that are being diagnosed earlier
  • It is unpleasant for me to see how the 21st century has already advanced, but unfortunately doctors, for example, use tablet computers very little. We need the freshness of quality ideas 💡 accompanying products and services. What was good and effective (like DIY examples) is thrown away. And what's bad - like big oil, big pharma, big tobacco - that's being kept?! The backward, so-called ghosts of the past must allow free souls to enjoy

03 February, 2024

Declaring a Free Carnival Republic

I sovereignly declare a free carnival Republic of Peščenica. Let the force be with you, but also plenty of positive energy.


01 February, 2024

ᵀᴼ ᴮᴸᴼᴼᴹ ᴵᴺ ᴬ ᴹᴼᴹᴱᴺᵀ Proud of My Amaryllis

I'm very proud of my Amaryllis. The flower has a bud. So so happy especially after all these years - it might actually blossom. He gapes most of the time, but I didn't want to throw it away because it has a very long life expectancy - over 70 years (like they say here). This is the first time Amaryllis has a bud since I bought it in the store.

27 January, 2024

My Review of Veganuary

I'm trying to experience this year's Veganuary in more detail. I'll do my best to implement lovely meals in my food plan for the rest of the year. As it is for now, I still enjoy some sort of 'back to basic' cooking - less than five ingredients for any meal. I call it 'cooking originals' because it's my favorite way to feel the taste of vegetables. Also, I don't have to bother myself much with maintaining the pantry - I prefer it compact.

Thank you Veganuary 

26 January, 2024

Organizing Cool Event in Open Air From My Perspective

On this Friday's 1st-ever World Clean Energy Day I present a unique viewpoint in organizing a gathering in nature that would be following ecology. Ecovillage Gathering is a good example, I suppose. There are many parks in the cities and I was thinking maybe we should revitalize them differently. Instead of having Refreshment Kiosks with extreme amortization, people need delivery options in sight. The general accuracy of the location software is within 5 to 10 meters (16 to 33 feet) under normal conditions. For delivery to be operational in a tight techno party or pop concert we desire location to be more precise. We need both - to preserve the environment and bring vividness to the globe. Tolerant, attested local delivery is the best, we could all agree on that.

25 January, 2024

ᴾᴿᴼᴺᵀᴼ Stop Selling Animals

If only I had known my winter coat was made of non-vegan material before I've decided to buy it. We need to help end cruelty to goats and sheep by urging to ban cashmere and choose only vegan materials. 

I understand that leather products are not for sale; I respect that. But this time, the last time, I decided to use animal by-products (ABPs) - similar to those I'm using as a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

24 January, 2024

Celebrating International Day of Education From My Perception - How to Be a Good Stand-up Comedian

  • in this climate, the attitude of cold British humor is a must, something like the one from Kim of N. K. Always remember when you think of stand-up comedy - Elton John - he is still standing. Hehe. But unfortunately - many have fallen, as I see Michael Jackson, George Michael, Prince... It's a hard line-up, and that's why I'll always stand up for those show business stand-up comedians, for those messy clowns, to sort themselves heavy privileged pension benefits hehe
  • it's good while it's 𝖭𝖮𝖳 shock art - you can talk as long as you like, consistently - but that's about does it...
  • the dominant thing is the warmth of the spirit, that you have passed through the sieve and the wringer, that you have been cooked and baked, so to speak, then it doesn't matter whether you'll go home with one cent, some pennies, or nothing at all - cuz you like pro bono charity
  • external appearance is also cardinal, of course, that you are neat from head to toe; that your shoes are clean. If you hadn't found some bearded or rat-growing mites or mumps. Well, let's say the way were somehow public service dudes hehe before all these tremendous strides, technological achievements, and social mobilities
  • you must have a balloon, a piggy bank, or a big hat to collect that money, but it's good to accept cards as well as cryptocurrencies


08 January, 2024

ᴿᵉᴮᴸᴼᴳ 🔂 ²⁰¹⁶ Unregistered Cemetery 😭 Two Hundred Meters From Shrink-clinic

It is indicative that the unregistered cemetery in Stenjevac is located only 200 meters from some kind of shrink-clinic. The cemetery also has a monument with a red five-pointed star, so it can be assumed that there were all kinds of maladjusted people. Many died there waiting for justice, I guess.

²⁰¹⁶ 📷

²⁰²¹ 📷

I'm glad that it's still better, and more organized, than 5-6 years ago when I first discovered the area and wrote about it publicly, so there's progress... But it's strange to me why it's not somehow better solved because large buildings are being built in the area.
Luka Jagor - my letter to the mayor of Zagreb, 2021

Featured Post

Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...