25 July, 2024

Slow Progress in Millennium Goals

A green landscaping project for backyards in my town will start soon. I'm very excited and enthusiastic about it. “In order to adapt to climate change, improvement biological diversity and reducing energy consumption.”

Who knows, maybe I will participate in a public discussion with some of my original ideas through the new official website “one of a series of digital tools with which we strive to improve transparency and efficiency” - www.Zagreb.hr

21 July, 2024

No To Hate

We must never forget how easily hate speech can turn to hate crime
António Guterres from United Nations

Please, also be aware that this is only true when defined as an explicit call for violence.

Rave on!

Never give up. Never retreat. Keep pushing forward. I am with you.
António Guterres from United Nations

17 July, 2024

My View of Active Tourism

... achieving a deep and engaging experience of the destination’s attractions

We need to raise the quality of active tourism, so that there is more profit.

A good example is this article: https://www-vecernji-hr.translate.goog/zagreb/istrazili-smo-uljara-u-branimirovoj-propadat-ce-jos-godinama-a-tri-su-razloga-zasto-1552724?_x_tr_sl=hr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp about the old, abandoned oil mill in the city center. I worked there as a young man, it was an incredible experience. Tourists need more authentic goings-on.

07 July, 2024

We Must Refrain From Physical Violence and Psycho-trauma Too

Please end armed conflicts, and unite in lasting peace. Imagine how nice it would be to stop the tragic sequence of circumstances that so often leads to evil. I don't know whether it is unusual languages as the basis of worldview and thinking or something else that bothers people. We must refrain from physical violence, and psycho-trauma too can cause real physical damage.

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...