20 April, 2021

Crypto Currencies – Don't Let the Fear of Missing Out Catch You

Please don't skip the meals in the student restaurants or sell the only real estate you have, just to buy a cryptocurrency. You should execute long-lasting due diligence (deep studying) before buying it. I went to the conference back in 2017 at the Faculty of Economics and Business and I would like to write what I have learned there.

We exaggerate when we talk about digital money
Lajoš Žager, Ph. D. Professor,  Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb

A peer-to-peer (P to P) network in which interconnected nodes ("peers") share resources amongst each other without the use of a centralized administrative system

By User:Mauro Bieg - Own work, Public Domain, Link

Sometimes they say that the Bitcoin system is using too much electric power, it is not eco-friendly. In the conference, they concluded that the next big thing in the cryptocurrencies is Ethereum - because it's programmable and it's the way all new coins are coming out. It uses 'smart contracts' — running on Ether —  to get things done. It is unclear how much electric power is using, is there any actual difference between Bitcoin, it remains to be seen.

16 April, 2021

Major Attacks to Computer Freedom

Attackers were able to place malicious code in the PHP central code repository by impersonating key developers
I usually use PHP for web programming, but on this Blogger service Python is being used. Python is more popular than ever, it can easily be empowered with AI software, it is unclear whether Python guys are making the attacks, trying to prove their superiority. I will remain faithful to PHP for now, but my gut feeling is telling me I should lookout.
There are also political problems. It's not nice to see open source community eating itself from the inside. I hope that the time of crisis in the Free Software Foundation will end soon. LibrePlanet and other complementary projects should continue.

11 April, 2021

Please Visit My Digital Art Page

From time to time I feel my art images are like tulips in Holland Tulip mania - but then again my website isn't visited a lot, so I don’t know what’s going on. Either way, feel free to visit my Digital Art page - www.luka.jagor.info - I would be delighted.

28 March, 2021

Free Digital Age Manifesto (reblog 2011)

The goal of the Free Digital Age Manifesto is to raise awareness regarding digital technologies and their application. Driven by the great success of free (open source) technologies, regardless of all the bugs, they drive the world's largest social and educational services as well as the various operating system cores that make up most of the devices we have at work or at home. I think it's time to take a step further.

This is clear to any economist, to any businessman who has “started from scratch”. A step further is the gradual change of perception, necessary to make achievements that according to the current model of "life is suffering" we cannot achieve. This would result in a quantum leap in the evolutionary stage, similar to the transition from dial-up internet to broadband in computer science. The worldwide IQ was increasing by 3 points every ten years due to a good education program and diet, but there was no renaissance-like social effect, and the IQ test was being re-normalized. Now, this so-called Flynn effect is at a tipping point and with a possible end of the progression. So it seems to me that we already have "hardware", and in order to achieve a renaissance-like social effect we need more freedom...

My view of new toilets
...In that name, I propose the construction of a new age toilet on all important world squares. New age toilets are mimicked - meaning a mirror on the outside and glass on the inside.

Free Digital Age Manifesto Logo

More on Free Digital Age Manifesto: https://www.luka.jagor.info/Lovebirds-To-Be-(2011).html 

23 March, 2021

My Support to Climate Activist Bill Gates

On the personal front, I am doing a lot more: I am driving electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat (some of the time!). I buy green aviation fuel. I pay for direct air capture by Climeworks. I help finance electric heat pumps in low cost housing to replace natural gas.
Bill Gates, the author of the book "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster"
Another race has started, a 30-year struggle with climate change, Gates writes in his book. "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster" is listed in The New York Times Best Sellers.  What is there more to say? —Bill Gates is a true savior for our times, you should look up to him.

03 March, 2021

Happy World Maths Day!

A Call for Unity
I'm not an expert, unfortunately, and I'm here a bit on shaky ground, but I believe there should be a clearer way of calculating. There are some controversial standards — PEMDAS, BEDMAS, BODMAS, BIDMAS — mnemonics of the order of operations. I can understand countries wanting to have freedom of expression, but maths should be a more exact science. I would say intuitively there can be only one type of this particular mnemonics and it should correlate perfectly with the observations in physics.

23 February, 2021

Quantum Computing Is Becoming Big - There Are Over 250 Apps Using D-Wave

The D-Wave is the first and only quantum computer built for businesses. User-developed apps on D-Wave systems are quantum chemistry simulation, automotive design, preventative healthcare, logistics, and many other applications. The D-Wave uses a quantum annealing process instead of quantum supremacy (gate model) for computation and has already gained the power of 5000 qubits.

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...