07 January, 2022

My Opinion About Web3 and Metaverse

In my opinion, at the time being, web3 is just an attempt to utilize Ethereum's Smart Contract API. If everything goes well there will be crypto-tokens instead of logging and passwords to browse user content. Those crypto-tokens costs and I see it as monetization of websites, just like NFTs were for Digital Art.

In hypothetical 'web3' you'll have to spend a lot more money just to browse the web with all those access crypto-tokens. It's pay-per-view.

Benchmarking of web3 would always show significant downside, by several orders of magnitude, compared with the regular server technology. However, such non-common sense could generate more income for fewer working hours at the tiptop of the ⚡ hype expansion.

At the time being, my strong belief is that Metaverse just reflects a real-world scenario, meaning if you are unsuccessful in real-world - your "Avatar" will just reflect that condition no matter of social network brand name, to better support the establishment.

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...