09 February, 2022

Hot Tips for Web Content Generators

One should patiently wait for the audience to gather, but be careful of fake news, they distract guests from websites.

You should use the great power of autosuggestion to fight a self-fulfilling prophecy that competitors are spreading against you.

The most important thing is not to look spooky because websites are becoming more autistic with all that consent confirmation, not authentic.

Web 3 or web 3.0, semantic web, crypto web, should be used limitedly because of its experimental nature.

08 February, 2022

True Nature of Sunrise and Sunset From My Viewpoint

Pressure (temperature) equalization during sunrise or sunset is often linked with the mild, but notable wind. For me, a sunset is a special event that should be used by people being indoors, in some peaceful place to meditate preferably with their eyes closed, as I've said before, to build up some energy.

On the other hand, you can always ventilate yourself to freshen up outside, enjoying the environment.

03 February, 2022

Interesting Facts About Nearby Astronomy

  1. Sun's and Moon's gravity influence the position of Earth's atmospheric clouds slightly, but I've experienced it many times. 
  2. It's warmer when there are clouds on a winter's morning because clouds are reflecting back infra-red radiation. 

It's important to never stop asking questions.
Albert Einstein

02 February, 2022

Black, White, or Gray

In a pseudo monochromatic world where only one color prevails, everything else is a shade, there are Maximus and Minimum, let's say black and white, visualizing true/false.

Looking at the "L.A. Law" an American legal drama television series, most judicial systems go with either 'guilty' or 'not-guilty'. The thing I like the most is the system “A hundred suspicions don’t make a proof.” (meaning beyond a reasonable doubt, I guess). But what about 1000, or a 10000?

I like American TV production because it has a happy end, it's always nice to see justice in action. Every day I think about how I could have done something better, and not to make the same mistakes again, improve. With all my heart I wish justice.

The bottom of the line would be for me is those that relativize and make 'endless' discussions just go in favor of criminals. Human Rights - is the right way to go.

Derivative work from https://www.luka.jagor.info/Square-Texture.html
Derivative work from https://www.luka.jagor.info/Square-Texture.html

01 February, 2022

The Gap of Discord Between Fossil Fuels and Renewables Supporters

Renewables generate more energy than is used in their production, and produce fewer emissions than other power sources over their lifetime
World Resources Institute
If only there would be more understanding between groups. I believe that renewables are better than fossil fuels, but there is so much work to be done, people are having second thoughts. Transition is never easy, it's always difficult to change habits, especially those that drove energy for so many years.

Let's join our lives together to make sustainable development an actual reality, to make Overshoot Day a thing of the past.

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...