Remain persistent.
Never back down.
Keep moving forward.
Change the date of Earth Overshoot Day - #MoveTheDate
"There Is No Planet B!" | "Keep It Wild, Keep It Alive!" |
"Act Now or Swim Later!" | "Defend the Defenseless: Our Planet!" |
"System Change, Not Climate Change!" | "The Earth Is Crying-Are You Listening?" |
"The Future Is Watching!" | "Keep the Sea Plastic-Free!" |
"Don't Burn Our Future!" | "Save Our Seas, Save Ourselves!" |
"Time Is Running Out!" | "Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet!" |
"Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level!" | "The Ocean Is Not a Dump!" |
"Climate Justice Now!" | "Protect Our Blue Planet!" |
"What We Do Today Matters Tomorrow!" | "Say No to Single-Use Plastic!" |
"We Are the Solution!" | "Plastic Kills-Choose Reusable!" |
"Leaders: Act Like It's a Crisis-Because It Is!" | "Drown Plastic, Not Our Oceans!" |
"Make Earth Cool Again!" | "More Fish, Less Plastic!" |
"Stop Funding Fossil Fools!" | "Plastic-Free Oceans Start With Me!" |
"Green Policy = Livable Future!" | "Clean Oceans = Bright Futures!" |
"Your Inaction Is Killing Us!" | "Every Piece of Plastic Ever Made Still Exists!" |
"We Want a Future Too!" | "What Goes in the Ocean, Comes Back to Us!" |
"Our Planet, Our Future, Our Fight!" | "Act Now to Save Our Seas!" |
"You'll Die of Old Age, We'll Die of Climate Change!" | "The Ocean Can't Speak-We Must!" |
"Kids Deserve Clean Air and Water!" | "Don't Let Plastic Be Their Last Meal!" |
"Youth for Climate Action!" | "Protect the Creatures of the Deep!" |
"Save the Earth, Save Ourselves!" | "Sea Turtles Deserve Better!" |
"Protect Our Home for All Species!" | "Let's Keep the Coral Reefs Alive!" |
"Save the Arctic" | "#STOPDEEPSEAMINIG" |
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