25 March, 2017

Earth Hour 2017: Ten Years of Impact

I'm a heavy smoker, I'm so sorry, I promise that I will not light a cigarette!!!

19 March, 2017

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week (𝖡𝖠𝖶) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.
I don't think smartphones have "brains", just memories 😃

Brain Awareness Week

12 March, 2017

United Nations News Centre - 20 million across four countries are starving

Sometimes they say satiated doesn't believe hungry ones. Please let's help the victims!

UN News - UN aid chief urges global action as starvation, famine loom for 20 million across four countries

Just back from Kenya, Yemen, South Sudan and Somalia - countries that are facing or are at risk of famine - the top United Nations humanitarian official today urged the international community for comprehensive action to save people from simply "starving to death."

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...