26 March, 2020

Flavors of Democracy in My Opinion

Meritocracy is government or the holding of power by people selected according to merit (on the basis of their ability).
from Oxford
In my opinion errors in meritocracy start to show up mostly in economics, when excess profit is conducted. Having excess profit accumulates social unrest. The opposite of meritocracy is nepotism.
Technocracy is the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.
from Oxford
There is nothing wrong in saving the world by enabling people to work, to earn for everyday life essentials – that is what technocracy is trying to do. On the other hand I don’t like their rigid methods that hurt freedom of speech and expression. Technocracy is using psychocracy to penalize insubordinate, unsubmissive people. I believe the opposite of technocracy is populism.
Psychocracy is characterized by its exclusive use of psychological knowledge and methods in the governance of citizen behaviours.
Sufficiently different definition of psychocracy comes from the Urban dictionary:
Psychocracy is a government with psychopathic rulers.
Populism is politics with a face, a special touch, driven by a human often seen as a prophet, a soothsayer - a charismatic leader that usually gains greater support of the community.

Read more:
Populist leader often defies either the methods or the ideology of psychocracy.

My solution for the darkness of all the notions that gotten into democracy: I have nothing against technocracy as long they don’t use psychocracy torture methods. Similar, I have nothing against meritocracy as long there is no excess profit, or populism as long there is no cult of personalty.

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