13 December, 2020

Fragments of Energy - True Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe?

Lately, a new theory of everything, the ultimate theory that is explaining both macro and the micro-universe has emerged: Fragments of Energy.

The problem
General relativity breaks when it's applied to the micro-scale, and quantum mechanics breaks when it's applied to the macro scale. There is also a problem with wave-particle duality which is very important but confusing.

Introducing "Fragments of Energy"
  • Jeffrey Eischen Professor of Mechanical Engineering, NC State Univ and Larry M. Silverberg North Carolina State University
  • explaining overall physical system using newer mathematical tools
In a way, it reminds me of my phrase "amount of energy" - described in a forum post here.

22 November, 2020

Dear Angela Merkel Congratulations on Your Well-deserved Success

So pleased to see you accomplishing great things, heartfelt congratulations to you. Angela Merkel your leadership is forthseeing in these turbulent windy times. What an impressive achievement - 15 years as German chancellor! Good luck!

10 September, 2020

21 August, 2020

How To Build a Prosperity

Create a Consistent Mindset
You should carefully think things through, facts, details, all should be straighten out so that your mindset is perfectly aligned. Often in published media, we view picture-quizzes that encourage us to see the bigger picture, broaden our horizons. Listen to music without vocals - starting with some meditation chillout music all the way to dance/techno.

It is difficult to create a more inclusive mindset that would make you more popular because of consistency problems. But, for example, just because if you're a vegan doesn't mean you can't have omnivorous friends, or just because if you're a non-smoker you can't stand smokers.

Act Upon It
A million dollars question is how to properly act on your mindset. When to be pragmatic, when to be a skeptic one, never phobic or gullible. To build prosperity you need to be nice, kind, and strong, don't let anything put you out of step.

15 August, 2020

My Equality Appeal

This writing is dedicated to all the people struggling in everyday life. My equality appeal correlates with Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda). Tracking fulfillment of such lofty goals is important for everyone, no matter of current challenging period. I hope so much the world will be a better place in ten years' time.

Narrow-minded Pleasures of the Flesh Bring Moral Decay
I oppose that the person is sufficiently fulfilled solely through the intake of food/drink/opiate into himself. Please stop consuming psychoactive substances. Unfortunately, more than 690 million people still go hungry. Help them by doing good deeds.

04 August, 2020

More on Atmospheric Incubator and Space Elevator

Atmospheric Incubator - it's important that such construction has propulsion - otherwise, it would act as a parachute, slowing down a planet orbiting a star.

Space Elevator - it's important to know that such construction slightly slows down the planet rotation - it pollutes the environment a bit.

Read more:

03 August, 2020

Welcome Home NASA Astronauts

Return of the astronauts was something the whole world can 'take pleasure in' as an achievement of humanity. No matter wherever you are on Earth, this is a good thing and I hope it brightens your day
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX
SpaceX Demo-2 Landing (NHQ202008020018)Image Description - The SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour spacecraft is seen as it lands with NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley onboard in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Pensacola, Florida, Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020. The Demo-2 test flight for NASA's Commercial Crew Program was the first to deliver astronauts to the International Space Station and return them safely to Earth onboard a commercially built and operated spacecraft. Behnken and Hurley returned after spending 64 days in space. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

31 July, 2020

Happy SysAdmin Day!

The operating system (OS) is extremely complex, a good SysAdmin is very important. There are tons of programming languages, but only a few are adequate to program OS. SysAdmin usually monitors data flow in order to discover and fix the malfunction, highly skilled people and constant education is needed to achieve that goal. Good luck!

25 July, 2020

Call for Action, Please Help: Stop Brain to Computer Chip

I'm an A.I. enthusiast, but unfortunately, the liberty of deregulated rules is turning humans into circus performers now. Neuralink - the company of Elon Musk, a rich eccentric - got permission to do brain implants?! Please stop that. We don't need a Borg!

On the other hand, there are - Famous Russian Mind Control Experiments. Two questions arise: how did lobotomy become so popular in the first place and should the doctors who used it apologize to their patients.

Such technology should be used only in desperate need!

Read more:

18 July, 2020

Action Against Poverty - Happy Mandela Day 2020

Be an active citizen in your community. Mandela Day is celebrated on 18 July every year. Please reduce hunger in families through the provision of nutritious meals. And, most of all, stay safe.

Frederik de Klerk with Nelson Mandela - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 1992.jpg
F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela at the World Economic Forum, 1992

By Copyright World Economic Forum (www.weforum.org) - Frederik de Klerk & Nelson Mandela - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 1992, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

12 July, 2020

»Planet Nine« in the Scope of Astronomers

»Planet Nine« is a hypothetical planet in the outer region of the Solar System, it could explain the unusual movements in that area. According to scientists - https://www.space.com/planet-nine-black-hole-test-lsst.html - »Planet Nine« could be a grapefruit-sized black hole.  The hypothetical planet will be heavily studied in Vera C. Rubin Observatory that's being built. Vera C. Rubin Observatory is expected to be operational by the end of the year. I hope we will find answers about unusual movements in the outer region of the Solar System, I have full confidence in the astronomers that they will succeed. I remember the discovery of the Higgs boson, it was really a breakthrough, to confirm the theory - The Standard Model of particle physics. Maybe we can expect similar breakthroughs in the near future regarding our Solar System. 
Science is competitive, aggressive, demanding. It is also imaginative, inspiring, uplifting.
Vera Rubin, American astronomer who pioneered work on galaxy rotation rates

03 June, 2020

George Floyd's Life Mattered

I'm appealing for justice regarding George Floyd's tragic death, he was an unarmed black man killed by police brutality. R.I.P.


17 May, 2020

Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia !

This date was chosen to commemorate the decision to remove homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1990. There are many queer-feminist and anti-fascist organizations which are committed to the achievement of an active society of solidarity and equality free from gender sexual norms and categories and any other kind of oppression. I wish you a happy celebration of sexual and gender diversities.
Photo: Personal Album

06 May, 2020

Political Correctness in Today's Time From My Perception

Today is the birthday of Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 – October 10, 1985) - one of the biggest stars in the Golden Age of Hollywood. He will be remembered as one of the most well-known artists that made many movies, theater and radio plays. The most memorable for me is the "The War of the Worlds" (1938 radio drama) that brought Orson instant fame.
I believe that alleged radio drama (scare) is inspiring many fake news producers today. 

On the other hand, there are so many censorship attempts that often cause auto-censorship and a lack of free-thinking. We can hear that sitcoms such as "Seinfeld" couldn’t be produced anymore because they aren’t politically correct. Nowadays "The Walking Dead" (TV series) is cool?!

Maybe people are now looking for pleasure in something more than small talk jokes. It’s very important to visualize in a good taste, you should try not to make censors busy, but still remain provocative (not boring). Extreme content in public addressing is usually not allowed.

22 April, 2020

Happy Earth Day !

Graphic: Earth Day Network - https://www.earthday.org/take-action-now/#materials
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy jubilee
Governments around the world have a chance to choose new (green) path
Greta Thunberg - activist

19 April, 2020

The Future of MPEG Standards

MPEG-1, -2, -4, -5, -7, -21, then MPEG-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -G, -H, -I, -M, -U, -V, furthermore MPEG-CICP, MPEG-DASH, MPEG-IoMT and finally MPEG-MAR. Since much of the possibilities are depleted I would say the future of MPEG is in the Greek alphabet: -α, -β, -γ, -δ, -ε and so on 😃

Seriously, MPEG has tons of cool standards to come: High Efficiency Video Coding (MPEG-H Part 2), MPEG-IoMT for Internet of Things, Compression of Neural Networks, MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework.

Read more about "New Protocols, Standards, File Types":

MPEG Event starts tomorrow – the next big meeting - “MPEG 130 – Alpbach”, 4 days in a row. The Alpbach meeting will not be held physically, but online. Good luck to you all.

10 April, 2020

You Can Now Donate Using Bitcoin

Bitcoin () is a cryptocurrency, it is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money, decentralized digital currency. You can now donate to me using Bitcoin.

About Me & My Blog
Get ready for the future, read my blog, I'm blogging for a number of years. I always try to pinpoint the essence. There are three basic categories on my blog: art, science, and politics, all on some sort of a verge of good taste. This is the manic world we live in and crowd wisdom is appreciated, please spread the word about me - Luka Jagor. I like individuality with empathy for others. Remember: knowledge is power, but art is also important.

Time of Crisis
Every little thing counts in a crisis.
Jawaharlal Nehru, former Prime Minister of India
Please be kind in this time of crisis. Think about the exhausted nurse, medical personnel, lack of equipment, help them first. They are on the front line in this fight against collapsing civilization. I write this blog from the safety of my home, while they are doing the real work.

"The world will never be the same again"
It isn't the end of the world but a warning about something that has already been set in motion, a whole series of collapses that have begun.
professor Yves Citton of Literature and Media at the Université Paris
Key events in my opinion
  • Interstellar objects were detected passing through the Solar System. There is no asteroid impact avoidance strategy, the Earth is unprepared for such an event
  • Geomagnetic reversal - the Earth's protective magnetic field will change its polarity, it could weaken by up to 90% in this process
  • Human overpopulation - from a historical perspective, technological revolutions have coincided with population expansion. Potential ecological collapse - a drastic, possibly permanent, reduction in carrying capacity for all
  • Global warming - the rise of the average temperature of the Earth's climate system. Effects of global warming include extreme weather events, glacier retreat, changes in the timing of seasonal events, sea-level rise, and declines in Arctic sea ice extent
  • Holocene extinction - otherwise referred to as the sixth mass extinction. The included are numerous families of plants and animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and arthropods
  • Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. Effects on human health are very bad
Key social events in my opinion
  • Labour (work) cult - just chasing material social symbols, read more here: https://www.blogger.luka.jagor.info/2018/04/my-special-message-regarding-labor-day_26.html
  • Substance (drug) abuse in collaboration with the criminals or psychocrats
  • National short-term, superficial, self-interest is wrong because we are all in the same boat
  • Displaced people, modern-day slavery, world hunger, the lack of human rights around the world and so many more signals that sustainable development is failing

Glimpse of Hope
We can see how fragile the world is and how important is our personal engagement. If we make a stand for a change maybe it isn't too late to reverse negative trends. Your beneficence today will reflect a better future.

26 March, 2020

Flavors of Democracy in My Opinion

Meritocracy is government or the holding of power by people selected according to merit (on the basis of their ability).
from Oxford
In my opinion errors in meritocracy start to show up mostly in economics, when excess profit is conducted. Having excess profit accumulates social unrest. The opposite of meritocracy is nepotism.
Technocracy is the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.
from Oxford
There is nothing wrong in saving the world by enabling people to work, to earn for everyday life essentials – that is what technocracy is trying to do. On the other hand I don’t like their rigid methods that hurt freedom of speech and expression. Technocracy is using psychocracy to penalize insubordinate, unsubmissive people. I believe the opposite of technocracy is populism.
Psychocracy is characterized by its exclusive use of psychological knowledge and methods in the governance of citizen behaviours.
Sufficiently different definition of psychocracy comes from the Urban dictionary:
Psychocracy is a government with psychopathic rulers.
Populism is politics with a face, a special touch, driven by a human often seen as a prophet, a soothsayer - a charismatic leader that usually gains greater support of the community.

Read more:
Populist leader often defies either the methods or the ideology of psychocracy.

My solution for the darkness of all the notions that gotten into democracy: I have nothing against technocracy as long they don’t use psychocracy torture methods. Similar, I have nothing against meritocracy as long there is no excess profit, or populism as long there is no cult of personalty.

18 March, 2020

Doomsday Bunkers in Nowadays - Humanity Will Prevail

The threat of climate disasters and nuclear attacks have prompted some wealthy survivalists to purchase doomsday shelters — properties that could help them survive a catastrophe. These modern, often high-end bunkers are equipped with freeze-dried food and blast-proof doors to help people live for years underground.
A doomsday bunker is a privilege for some, an accessible option in desperate need. We are all in the same boat in this global emergency. Unfortunately, some are more resilient than others. Let's cross our fingers in hope of overcoming the worldwide pandemic. There is no need for petty, pitiful disagreements with the authorities, they are professionals. I'm sure once this will be over, the authorities will reward the survivors, extending their personal freedom and comfort.

11 March, 2020

Big Artificial Intelligence Enhancement

According to Tesler's Theorem:
AI is whatever hasn't been done yet.
Google has programmed open-source TensorFlow Quantum - bringing together the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. Xanadu AI now also has the same merge with their own open-source quantum framework.
A quantum computer is a new type of computer that stores and acts on information in its quantum form.
Dave Bacon, Google AI Quantum team

27 February, 2020

Beware – Online Marketplaces Are Dangerous

Most dangerous items:
  • USB chargers
  • Plastic toys
  • Children's clothing
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms that don't work
  • Teeth whitening products
66% of them fail EU safety laws with possible consequences such as electric shock, fire, or suffocation, the BEUC network says.
Read more about BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation (from the French name Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs, "European Bureau of Consumers' Unions") - official website here.

16 February, 2020

Download Graphene Manufacturing Handbook Funded by the European Union

Graphene is a new wonder material, but producing it was a problem. Problem is now solved - "Graphene Flagship" publishes handbook of graphene manufacturing, you can download it here: http://bit.ly/graphenewhitebook

About Graphene
Batteries, Space Elevator, desalination process, CPUs – they could all run on graphene in the near future.

About Graphene Flagship
With a budget of €1 billion, the Graphene Flagship represents a new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale, forming Europe's biggest ever research initiative.

2020 Doomsday Clock Closer Than Ever

Picked quotes from around the world:
Humanity continues to face two simultaneous existential dangers—nuclear war and climate change—that are compounded by a threat multiplier
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
We'd never seen a temperature this high in Antarctica
Brazilian scientist Carlos Schaefer
The main reason for this (global emergency) declaration (of COVID-19) is not because of what is happening in China, but because of what is happening in other countries. Our (WHO) greatest concern is the potential for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems
Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organization

2020 Doomsday Clock Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight

My solution

Please stop with all inconsiderate movements.
This article will make you think: Coronavirus or antibiotic resistance: Our appetite for animals (wild and domestic) poses big disease risks by Laura H. Kahn