09 July, 2021

Rave the World Radio Just Opened - 24/7 Service

And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio
Queen - Radio Ga Ga
In the 1930s, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels led the charge to create a radio cheap enough that even workers could own one.
It's weird(o) that television signal was force-changed from analog television to digital television (now 2nd generation in EU), but radio always stays the same analog FM - analogue to gossip.

More on My View of Materialism.

Rave the World Radio is different, it's a free, hybrid, underground radio station - an enthusiastic project from a hyperactive dreamer, me.

Special thanks to all the artists composing beautiful music.

Optimized for the desktop, mobile-optimized for Google Chrome, possible end transmission in Android standby mode with other web browsers.

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