01 June, 2024

No time to wait. #ActOnClimate

Fossil fuel companies will not lead us out of this crisis.
Mike Hudema

People need to get out of business as usual routine. Preferably, with brand new business models—not green washing. I mean, fossil fuel companies could transform into carbon-zero, but it would take them a couple of hundred years... We need to act now & globally. Please make a peaceful and environmentally friendly contribution for this worthy cause. Stop drilling the ocean, stop drilling agreement is important. Stop plastic pollution coz plastic is both: underrated and consumed too much. But, first and foremost, construction of any kind needed to be revised, just like religious associations that keep them busy. 

Leadership needs fresh, new faces - prepared for extensive debates. 

Not drugged people on ego trips; please stop with your alcohol problems as well.

Not to mention your contribution to Big Tobacco + consequently Big Pharma mob phonies = with inhaling 70 types of poison every day.


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