Showing posts with label On the verge of politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label On the verge of politics. Show all posts

28 October, 2023

ᵀʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᶦᵗ Human Rights

#Palestine is the well-known position of non-governmental organizations for human rights, similar to the way that no one has risen on that political issue, and many have fallen on the 'social ladder' because of expressing their views. 

Democracy itself may depend on it, and also there is a time factor... Good luck! Another thing, I remember Yasser Arafat, who was to a certain degree modest. He won Nobel Prize for his efforts to create peace in the Middle East, but it wasn't enough. 

After his death, Hamas took over the government on democratic elections. They were said to be fiercer. And as I say: the weather/time is like youth - hotter, hits harder, don't you think so? There should be a whole bunch of updates to patch society, wrong natural selection that has been carried out for millennia. I don't think it's ever going to happen from this standpoint of mine. 

Good luck once again!

03 April, 2023

My View of the 25 Hours Day Here on Earth

I like the idea 💡 I would have more time to work on my hobbies and spend more time with loved ones. It would mean root changes need to get done, those who advocate daytime savings time would be thrilled, I suppose. Hoping leap year helper would go away, with it Olimpic games infrastructure, entire sports snobs, and their schemes, scams - altogether. Because my life 🧬 is not a video game nor your (life) should be - let the games R.I.P.

Read more on interesting breakouts to be happening: »Planet Nine« in the Scope of Astronomers

30 June, 2022

My Market Watch

My daily monitoring of the stock market is a must, but superficial. I applaud recent value cuts to ease inflationary pressure. The USA stock bubble reminds me so much of Japan's bubble in the late 80'.

My heart totally agrees with Buffet's approach to cryptocurrencies, but if I had the opportunity would invest, I've set up my crypto-wallet. I'm waiting for the act of kindness by my audience to start filling it. The thing I don't like the most about cryptocurrencies is energy consumption and the long time of the transaction. That's a big downside. 

I'll remain modestly optimistic hoping a new version of the cryptocurrencies ecosystems will be better, keeping the terminology (brand). Such improvement is easy to expect in "Internet Technology", but, I know, it's easier said than done.

09 March, 2022

My View on Latest Events - Malformed Developments, Catastrophes, Miseries

Key highlights 
  • Escape rooms contribute to fear business
  • A short-sighted rebel with ebullient psychocracy make people feel dull, tired
  • There is no need for armed conflicts, there should be many layers of peacekeeping plan preventing it
The solution should be in talking because there are lots of topics that imposed themselves and were pushed under the rug. Inflation, price hikes, new wars, pandemics, climate change, what does it take for a new geopolitical rearrangement? - We must be careful and constantly present, vigilant. My condolences to the victims.

28 January, 2022

Great Patriarchal Mentality Blocking Europe Integration

The world is like our young people - even fiercer, crueler. If you are a pacifist they are discrediting you, now are "in trend" those who are advocating the return of gladiators, MMA - that's cool, not peace on Earth.

I like the idea of ​​the United States of Europe, I would like English to be the official language - one nation, one language, and no Slavic or anything like that. So best of all, USE is the future, especially since the population is declining, we would have less to worry about.

We need to continue the processes of European integration, reduce bureaucracy, use algorithms to detect corruption. I believe that the Swiss, Icelanders, Norwegians, Britons, and others will see the right path and rely more firmly on togetherness because they are already living well from the stability of the European Free Trade Area. I do not believe that Russia and Turkey will join soon, due to the great patriarchal mentality - this does not happen with the rule of individuality and glorification of life, which is the main European stronghold.

A lot needs to change, not just something, but I think people are not ready because they are too comfortable and not ready for addictive sacrifices, they are afraid of change. Specifically, I think that, for example, there should be no re-concreting in construction.

22 August, 2021

My View of the 'Nombre - Number' Challenge

nōmen est ōmen
Latin - The name is a sign, the name speaks for itself.
If you like Spanish like I do, please don't confuse the word 'nombre' (the name) with the word 'number', that might be an error in this turbulent world. Spanish language lovers, always remember we should learn from our mistakes, Holocaust, take a look at this shocking photo.

Tatuerat fångnummer.jpg
A Holocaust survivor displaying his arm tattoo.
By Frankie Fouganthin - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Freedom of religion or belief is a human right.

22 April, 2021

My View on the Chip Shortage

No wonder there is a chip shortage because some use them differently, especially by using graphics processing units (GPU) for the blooming cryptocurrency business. Usually, people say - when there is a heavy demand the price goes down, the product matures through the 'democratization' process. Now with the environmental problems, I believe this is stopped, there will be a lot more inflation and products going out of stock. We can expect a poorer future regarding material products, I just hope civil society won't undermine the right to social protection. The Internet has been mainstreamed, good times should occur.

28 March, 2021

Free Digital Age Manifesto (reblog 2011)

The goal of the Free Digital Age Manifesto is to raise awareness regarding digital technologies and their application. Driven by the great success of free (open source) technologies, regardless of all the bugs, they drive the world's largest social and educational services as well as the various operating system cores that make up most of the devices we have at work or at home. I think it's time to take a step further.

This is clear to any economist, to any businessman who has “started from scratch”. A step further is the gradual change of perception, necessary to make achievements that according to the current model of "life is suffering" we cannot achieve. This would result in a quantum leap in the evolutionary stage, similar to the transition from dial-up internet to broadband in computer science. The worldwide IQ was increasing by 3 points every ten years due to a good education program and diet, but there was no renaissance-like social effect, and the IQ test was being re-normalized. Now, this so-called Flynn effect is at a tipping point and with a possible end of the progression. So it seems to me that we already have "hardware", and in order to achieve a renaissance-like social effect we need more freedom...

My view of new toilets
...In that name, I propose the construction of a new age toilet on all important world squares. New age toilets are mimicked - meaning a mirror on the outside and glass on the inside.

Free Digital Age Manifesto Logo

More on Free Digital Age Manifesto: 

12 February, 2021

It's Official - Internet Has Been Mainstreamed

The decisive moment, a turning point has been reached - roughly 4.66 billion people around the world use the internet. It is highly unlikely that some weird stream will shut us down. The economy relies heavily on the internet, also many artists have online profiles. The internet is neutral in the globalization process because it doesn't favor global players at the expense of the local network, but giving every stakeholder a chance of a breakthrough global success and expansion.

09 February, 2021

Happy Safer Internet Day - Tuesday, 9 February 2021!

We should live in a world of post-quantum cryptography, but it's only a hardware issue. I believe on safe internet problems like "Beware – Online Marketplaces Are Dangerous", darknet and other scam sites shouldn't be accessible. It is up to the individual users to find time and report malicious activity of internet applications or a website. Good luck!

22 November, 2020

Dear Angela Merkel Congratulations on Your Well-deserved Success

So pleased to see you accomplishing great things, heartfelt congratulations to you. Angela Merkel your leadership is forthseeing in these turbulent windy times. What an impressive achievement - 15 years as German chancellor! Good luck!

10 September, 2020

15 August, 2020

My Equality Appeal

This writing is dedicated to all the people struggling in everyday life. My equality appeal correlates with Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda). Tracking fulfillment of such lofty goals is important for everyone, no matter of current challenging period. I hope so much the world will be a better place in ten years' time.

Narrow-minded Pleasures of the Flesh Bring Moral Decay
I oppose that the person is sufficiently fulfilled solely through the intake of food/drink/opiate into himself. Please stop consuming psychoactive substances. Unfortunately, more than 690 million people still go hungry. Help them by doing good deeds.

18 July, 2020

Action Against Poverty - Happy Mandela Day 2020

Be an active citizen in your community. Mandela Day is celebrated on 18 July every year. Please reduce hunger in families through the provision of nutritious meals. And, most of all, stay safe.

Frederik de Klerk with Nelson Mandela - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 1992.jpg
F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela at the World Economic Forum, 1992

By Copyright World Economic Forum ( - Frederik de Klerk & Nelson Mandela - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 1992, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

03 June, 2020

George Floyd's Life Mattered

I'm appealing for justice regarding George Floyd's tragic death, he was an unarmed black man killed by police brutality. R.I.P.


17 May, 2020

Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia !

This date was chosen to commemorate the decision to remove homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1990. There are many queer-feminist and anti-fascist organizations which are committed to the achievement of an active society of solidarity and equality free from gender sexual norms and categories and any other kind of oppression. I wish you a happy celebration of sexual and gender diversities.
Photo: Personal Album

06 May, 2020

Political Correctness in Today's Time From My Perception

Today is the birthday of Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 – October 10, 1985) - one of the biggest stars in the Golden Age of Hollywood. He will be remembered as one of the most well-known artists that made many movies, theater and radio plays. The most memorable for me is the "The War of the Worlds" (1938 radio drama) that brought Orson instant fame.
I believe that alleged radio drama (scare) is inspiring many fake news producers today. 

On the other hand, there are so many censorship attempts that often cause auto-censorship and a lack of free-thinking. We can hear that sitcoms such as "Seinfeld" couldn’t be produced anymore because they aren’t politically correct. Nowadays "The Walking Dead" (TV series) is cool?!

Maybe people are now looking for pleasure in something more than small talk jokes. It’s very important to visualize in a good taste, you should try not to make censors busy, but still remain provocative (not boring). Extreme content in public addressing is usually not allowed.

22 April, 2020

Happy Earth Day !

Graphic: Earth Day Network -
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy jubilee
Governments around the world have a chance to choose new (green) path
Greta Thunberg - activist

26 March, 2020

Flavors of Democracy in My Opinion

Meritocracy is government or the holding of power by people selected according to merit (on the basis of their ability).
from Oxford
In my opinion errors in meritocracy start to show up mostly in economics, when excess profit is conducted. Having excess profit accumulates social unrest. The opposite of meritocracy is nepotism.
Technocracy is the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.
from Oxford
There is nothing wrong in saving the world by enabling people to work, to earn for everyday life essentials – that is what technocracy is trying to do. On the other hand I don’t like their rigid methods that hurt freedom of speech and expression. Technocracy is using psychocracy to penalize insubordinate, unsubmissive people. I believe the opposite of technocracy is populism.
Psychocracy is characterized by its exclusive use of psychological knowledge and methods in the governance of citizen behaviours.
Sufficiently different definition of psychocracy comes from the Urban dictionary:
Psychocracy is a government with psychopathic rulers.
Populism is politics with a face, a special touch, driven by a human often seen as a prophet, a soothsayer - a charismatic leader that usually gains greater support of the community.

Read more:
Populist leader often defies either the methods or the ideology of psychocracy.

My solution for the darkness of all the notions that gotten into democracy: I have nothing against technocracy as long they don’t use psychocracy torture methods. Similar, I have nothing against meritocracy as long there is no excess profit, or populism as long there is no cult of personalty.

18 March, 2020

Doomsday Bunkers in Nowadays - Humanity Will Prevail

The threat of climate disasters and nuclear attacks have prompted some wealthy survivalists to purchase doomsday shelters — properties that could help them survive a catastrophe. These modern, often high-end bunkers are equipped with freeze-dried food and blast-proof doors to help people live for years underground.
A doomsday bunker is a privilege for some, an accessible option in desperate need. We are all in the same boat in this global emergency. Unfortunately, some are more resilient than others. Let's cross our fingers in hope of overcoming the worldwide pandemic. There is no need for petty, pitiful disagreements with the authorities, they are professionals. I'm sure once this will be over, the authorities will reward the survivors, extending their personal freedom and comfort.