01 April, 2023

Failing the Strava March Endurance Challenge 2023

 how to beat the challenge - 300 kilometers of jogging in a month

I'm broken how it hurts me - I failed the Strava March Endurance Challenge 2023. I got a physical injury twenty days ago, I still don't know how severe it is. The recreational activity I'm interested in shouldn't be so hard to get myself injured. But I won't quit - here is my entire Strava activity log for difficult March 2023:

Noontime 🌀 Walk March 28, 2023

Morning Walk March 26, 2023

Afternoon Walk March 25, 2023

· this activity completed the March

Walking Distance Challenge! 50 km

Morning Walk March 22, 2023

Morning Walk March 21, 2023

Evening Walk March 18, 2023

Morning 🌞 Walk March 14, 2023

Afternoon Walk March 13, 2023

Morning Walk March 10, 2023

Evening Walk March 8, 2023

Evening 🌝 Run πŸƒ March 6, 2023

Afternoon Run πŸƒ March 5, 2023

Evening Run πŸƒ March 4, 2023

Evening Run πŸƒ March 2, 2023

Evening Run πŸƒ March 1, 2023

25 March, 2023

Towards the Earth Hour Initiative

Hello, nice to be part of this lovely, prime initiative. Today the weather was warm enough, I didn't turn on the heating. I made tasteful lacto-ovo vegetarian lunch, and made minimal public transportation moves (15 minutes bus drive), dreaming about solar-powered engines. Then I went on my usual walking adventure, check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/9DtAfG2Ksyb I completed 50 kilometers of walking distance challenge in March.

I want to be a winner, to tear down fossil fuels schematics.

Tricks and Tips in Housecare - Washing Carpets

Water consumption when washing carpets is essential, they say 100 gallons of water (379 liters) are used in cleaning an average-sized home of 2,480 square feet (230 square meters). It appears 80 percent is covered with rugs - 1,984 sqft (184 m2). Save water using a watering can (3 gallons). You can take 10 cans to get carpets wet, spread the detergent, and finally wash it off with 10 cans.


What it has to do with a self-sustaining house remains to be seen.

22 March, 2023

The End of the Industrial Revolution ❓❗

How nice it would be "Quantum physics" outgrows "Chemistry" (Field of study), but "Chemistry" is ten times better documented. Also for me is a bit silly to use taxpayers' money to play with astrology, whereas astronomy is serious and analytic. We need the final exit strategy from the industrial revolution(s), to sum up, and set up the end goal.

17 March, 2023

Corona Vaccination Seamest to Finished in My Country

I got vaccinated four times, and every time I got progressively embarrassed by personnel. The thing that hurt me most is I never got an open email to vaccinate, although I've successfully registered through the 'get your shot' official government medical website. Healthcare workers here are underpaid, and they have too many working hours. I see solutions in advanced computer help. 

The empty place where there was an advertisement to get vaccinated

28 February, 2023

What's Going on With Artificial Black Hole

At this stage, it's groundbreaking what's going on with artificial black holes. As it's been said, it's good to confront the universe itself - we could start with a white hole lab simulation. Remembering how neutron star creates gravitational waves entering black hole we should look for something bigger to smash black hole, some stuff accessible in the laboratory. Afterward, to accumulate that burst of energy proper setup should be designed. It's vital to know the universe whether black-to-white hole conversion is an energy gainer or drag, or even doable beside 'strained', 'overflown', and 'stretched' formulas on some piece of paper. White holes are yet to be discovered in the observable universe.

If you want reality, confront the Universe itself.

17 February, 2023

It's Supercharged

Supercharged future car production would probably go with non-fake hoverboard/hovertrain technology. Enhanced with a max efficiency of solar power & lightweight battery to give an extra push. Preferably, with the best model user would feel extra safe without manual engine controls. Designing needs to be done with a sense of coziness for all generations. We are witnesses to chatbots arising. It's new software, usually, new hardware pops in by combining, creating completely new services. My gut feeling tells me that the holographic experience is desired to fulfill the time spent in the car.

15 February, 2023

Embeddable Player ▶️ for Rave the World Radio - Customize It Now

Custom embeddable code by background color. Custom image/video backgrounds can be available on demand.

Try the setup yourself https://www.ravetheworldradio.com/EmbedPlayer.html?m=setup

There are still some effects to be worked out, like fullscreen view...

Croatia Eurovision Song Contest 2023 - Satire or Real Threat by Old-fashioned Demons of Yesterday, Their View of the Trojan❓

True 'Circle' Story, comparative overview of The Circle (2017 movie) logo & CARNET: Croatian Academic and Research Network logo (2017) with an extra recap initiative of their CARNET "Hamster | Heart" department.

13 February, 2023

Embeddable player ▶️ for Rave the World Radio

 Here is the code: 

<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://www.ravetheworldradio.com/EmbedPlayer.html" name="Rave" scrolling="No" height="600px" width="100%" style="border: none;"></iframe>


10 February, 2023

Sad Crimes Against Humanity

Door by door, village by village, township by township, people got arrested. This is the evidence of crimes against humanity, this is the evidence of genocide, because (they) targeted an ethnicity.
Abduweli Ayup

Enough of this "militia" movement all around the world confronting peaceful pacifists. The Army industry needs to be dismantled ASAP. Police states and their military regimes are not solutions for energy and climate emergencies πŸ†˜

A Tent Is not a Place to Call Home - United Nations Secretary-General annual Sustainable Development Goals Implementation Progress report 2022.

People need more freedom to come up with revolutionary fixing of aggregated problems. Please stop this silly so-called goose chase and focus on the real hassle πŸ†˜

09 February, 2023

Crowd Wisdom & Psychology, Swarm Intelligence - Never Take Humanity

Humanity is the best cuz it keeps the warmth of the heart. Humanocentrism sounds πŸ†—, and higher-power theory is πŸ†— if it's about autosuggestion, and building confidence. Redefined Geocentric model teaches us we're only tenants here on Earth in the middle of an ecological crisis. We need to make adjustments for human-caused global warming to stop. Afterward, we can again consume plenty of humancentric stuff.

Crowd wisdom & psychology, and swarm intelligence merely show how rushed moves lead to completely new, unpredictable, and maybe undesirable sociological systems. One needs to communicate much more verbally, regardless of language barriers or contradictory non-verbal signs. Can really Fourth Industrial Revolution save us from the dark ages technology has put us into? Or what is an alternative? -The global literacy rate currently stands at 87%, internet has mainstreamed so I'll remain optimistic.

Why Are Croatians Asking 'where are you' as a Greeting

Freedom is fewer obstructions preventing a real path because grown people should be good, not misuse their authority and mislead others.

History is teaching us that taking a fast pace to make a big sociological change is undesirable due to many casualties. Please don't make any sudden moves describing your dissatisfaction.

Free market blocking trading, social network sites blocking user posts, or pulling out seaweeds that, by aggressively spreading, destroy the existing, now unsuitable flora - these are all signs of overregulation. A new wave of people should come to familiarity with combining the latest knowledge worldwide. Step by step, surely, we'll put the old dragon in the stowing of history.

03 February, 2023

Growing Mushrooms at Home 🏑 or Foraging Fungi πŸ„

Growing mushrooms at home shouldn't be a pandemic hobby, but rather a good 🌟  thing to do in back-to-normal life as well. The supreme feeling of comfort is when you combine outdoor activities such as walking πŸ‘£  or hiking with foraging fungi πŸ„ 

A leisurely walk through the forest from tree to tree, from bush to bush with a careful observation of the ground and trees, occasionally stopping by an unknown specimen of a mushroom, deep breathing and observation of other phenomena in nature should be the main task of every mushroom picker.
Prof. Romano BoΕΎac, PhD.

31 January, 2023

Inspiring Notes About Saving Money

Label 100 envelopes from one to 100. Since this is social media, after all, said envelopes should look really cool for the videos. On day one, put $1 in envelope 1. On day 2, put $2 in envelope 2. Continue this way until day 100, when your final savings deposit of $100 will bring you to a grand total of $5,050.

Rule out poverty or save for others. It's not so important to make big achievements, as they say: "it's all about the journey", even if you make little progress, it's a good try. The numbers and lines somehow remind me of the thoughts I've expressed in the »Ruling Doctrine« novelette. Still, I don't know if it's realistic, I haven't tried.
... the amount in the calculation period increases by 50, then by 25, and finally by 10 percent. Thus, the initial 10 units of currency (at that time they were Qubitcoins) can be converted into 15 Qubitcoins for the second accounting period, 19 for the third accounting period, and 21 for the fourth. In total, the financial year ends with 65 Qubitcoins.
If you take the financial year being just a month, with an average month duration of 30.437, and quarter it into periods of 7 days and 14 hours, ideally one could save 65.

27 January, 2023

My View of 3D Printing & Installation πŸš—πŸ’¨ Electric Car

  • designing the car body with handy tools like plasticine or some other molding materials 
  • 3D scanning 
  • 3D printing, eventually at a 1:1 ratio 
  • adjusting other printable parts' schematics available online with the desired prototype
  • setting up mechanical, non-plastic parts to get them working in traffic 
  • fine-tuning and finally testing the prototype 
A road map for making this project come to reality. I'll keep you posted about future updates in my new feuilleton.

16 January, 2023

Alpha Memory - Lightweight Memory Boosting App

 Hello, here you can view my Lightweight Memory Boosting App "Alpha Memory" πŸ˜Š

Brought to you by Luka Jagor, not to be confused with Please Stop 'Mutant Technologies' - Updating... - my blog post from April 2018.

13 January, 2023

Friday the 13α΅—Κ°

By the side (goodbye) to April Fool's Day

I don't like superstitious storytelling, as much as I don't like mythology or even cartoons for that matter. 

Here you can download exclusive - all included Friday the 13α΅—Κ° calendar file all till 12/31/9999 😊 There are nearly 14 000 of them in that period. The maximum is three Fridays the 13α΅—Κ° per year, never more. The occurrence factor is 1,72 / year, this 'phenomenon' exists every single observed year.

You can also check my Timeless Questions Feuilleton

11 January, 2023

New Day

Today is a good day to start something new, for example, to create a new hobby, solve old backlogs at work, or enjoy a long walk in the park. If you have enough time, you can visit distant loved ones and relatives, work in the cottage or paint battered furniture.

Sometimes they say - "you trot after her", my home country is trying hard to be the greatest, but sometimes they say we're 30-50 years behind. I also write in my native language under a pseudonym just to ease out time dilation, so please if you think you got me one way there, and I'm writing the opposite here it's not a mistake. I hope in time language barriers will fade away.