23 December, 2021

ASCII Art From My Perception

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and ASCII compliant character sets with proprietary extended characters (beyond the 128 characters of standard 7-bit ASCII).
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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19 December, 2021

End of the Year 2021 Review

In this time of crisis, I would rather be myself than act as an elevator for those pitiful, numerous Corona profiteers, opportunists that are being on my 'tail'.

I dream I'll be a president one day, I will go to elections and win unanimously ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š Will it be the United States of Europe or something even wider if possible, it remains to be seen.

08 December, 2021

Check Out - Possible Collision of Inconsistencies in My Blog Posts

At this stage I'm analyzing where did I all do wrong in my blogging, considering the end of the year review.

There might be three main types of my blog posts:

Flirting with those ideological and real-world themes should produce undoubtable laws, one should always take all the aspects into consideration, mount this blogger website a holistic, rather than bite-bite approach. Variety in writing is good, but also I want to live up to my blog post, which can be really difficult.

I will continue to make some genuine authentic content no matter what critics say — I suppose, that the paper endures everything.

01 December, 2021

Astrotalk on the Development of the Universe

As I support all life, I support both the "Anthropic principle" and "Cosmological natural selection" as the nature of things.

The anthropic principle is the cosmological principle that theories of the universe are constrained by the necessity to allow human life.
Lexico, an online dictionary website

A little more than 50 years ago, for example, the beneficial effects of microgravity were not known, without which we would not be able to survive in space for a second. There may be other phenomena that favor us like a multitude of water in outer space. That's supportive of the anthropic principle.

On the other hand, I'm very keen on "Cosmological natural selection", also called the "fecund universes". 

It's been proposed that when a black hole forms, a white hole forms on the opposite "side". Energy entering exits the white hole.  Physicist Lee Smolin takes it a step further to suggest that the resulting white hole is the Big Bang of a new, baby universe. And, that in fact, our universe formed that way.
PBS Space Time

There are many buzzwords linking the hypothesis, making goosebumps, it must be ๐Ÿ†—  ๐Ÿ˜Š

Stephen Hawking's final research paper suggests that our Universe may be one of many similar to our own, the study was submitted just 10 days before Prof Hawking died, BBC reports.

24 November, 2021

แตแดพแดฐแดฌแต€แดฑแดฐ My New Project - "The Trillion Dollar Homepage" or "The Zillion Dollar Homepage" - Conceptual Design

I'm happy with my new Google Developer Profile https://g.dev/LukaJagor, I hope I will achieve my new project. With annoying inflation in place, I'm thinking of "The Trillion Dollar Homepage" or "The Zillion Dollar Homepage". The registered user would have the ability to upload a precious photo with unquestionable copyright, to obtain a unique, human-readable, search engine-friendly URL link (one photo, one link). Three cool features would distinguish my website from other image gallery websites: 

  1. Astonishing URL that would describe your real value,
    e.g. www.Trillion Dollar Homepage.tld/Luka-Jagor.html
  2. Templates for customizing uploaded images by editing them (adding borders, lighting) 
  3. Print uploaded images on a different material as a postcard, a canvas, a sticker, or even a poster.
Update: Check Out - Possible Collision of Inconsistencies in My Blog Posts ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

29 October, 2021

There Is No Planet B, I Reckon

It's a pity how lots of users want to pollute media space to hurt multinationals. We need the spirit of unity, stronger ties, to create something truly gigantic, but flexible. Multinational and multiplanetary.

There is no planet B, I reckon 4 now, we need to make groundbreaking science for fixing the mess on Earth. Sometimes I think we shouldn't listen anymore to engineers and psychocrats because they've brought climate change, but there is no feasible alternative.

We need to make humans multiplanetary, to make real-time TV shows even on another planet. There is no multiplanetary community-building without live TV shows, but that's impossible with present-day technology. Every person should ask oneself how to contribute to getting out of this unfavorable situation, fighting extra survivor. As a deceased genius, Stephen Hawking used to say: "We (humanity) have 100 years left on Earth".

Looking back just half millennia it was 'easy', seeing Earth now carrying so heavy burden would be characterized as a megalomaniacal project. Since we're on this path, if we make one million people per day transport to a designated planet we might loosen up in 20 years, but space companies are behind on their schedule.

One could say we're fighting a war with time and losing. There is no clear solution, a masterplan that would solve accumulated problems, just fractions of a puzzle, so I recommend a uniform leadership together with unity. 

03 September, 2021

29 August, 2021

Visit My Virtual Reality (VR) Online Digital Art Exhibition - Luka Jagor's Latest Artwork 2021

I am an artist in Zagreb, Croatia. Shaw Academy, Public Open University Zagreb | about.me Visit my intro website https://about.me/luka.jagor. Special thanks for audio 'bellesemijoiasloja' - Circumstance.

23 August, 2021

Is Blockchain a Supply-chain Disrupter?

The first blockchain was conceptualized by a person (or group of people) known as Satoshi Nakamoto, developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, in 2008.
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is Bitcoin a prize game, not real money since the existence of Satoshi Nakamoto - the person or persons who developed bitcoin - is formally unknown, but he holds 5 controlling percent of the total number of bitcoins currently in circulation, should it be in the jurisdiction of the gambling commission?

Many people live well to explore what blockchain is all about, is it really a Ponzi scheme, or some other lie? Is it unsustainable and absurd, coattails?

Elon Musk is a great advocator of blockchain. The logical antecedent of Musk overcoming fear is buying, getting to know service/product.

Key events:
  1.  $ 1 billion  investment in OpenAI
  2.  $ 1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin
In the end, they work together as Elon Musk being a winner, the boss.

Nowadays TeslaAIBot Twitter emerges with lots of 'sketches' - stealing attention, entertaining simple people - Twitter is a sandbox for Elon Musk?! His blockchain propaganda is inappropriate when our planet is very polluted by engineering affairs and subsequently costs of living are going up. Much inconsistency and controversy can be found analyzing his public appearance. Blockchain must speed up necessary technical changes in respect to the environment, but I can't see it as a universal basic income (UBI) replacement the way Elon Musk does.

It's no wonder some people believing in globalization fell for it - for the story of mighty digital money that will make the world a better place where no one will be left behind. 

22 August, 2021

My View of the 'Nombre - Number' Challenge

nลmen est ลmen
Latin - The name is a sign, the name speaks for itself.
If you like Spanish like I do, please don't confuse the word 'nombre' (the name) with the word 'number', that might be an error in this turbulent world. Spanish language lovers, always remember we should learn from our mistakes, Holocaust, take a look at this shocking photo.

Tatuerat fรฅngnummer.jpg
A Holocaust survivor displaying his arm tattoo.
By Frankie Fouganthin - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Freedom of religion or belief is a human right.

29 July, 2021

Exclusive »Ruling Doctrine« Promotional Teaser - My New Novelette Is Coming Out - a Fictional Tale - Updating...

Suddenly an alarm sounded, the sky reddened in broad daylight, explosions were heard, and the ground shook. Lino hurried to get to the marked meeting place in crisis situations as soon as possible. On the way, he avoided certain death many times, but still, he managed to reach his destination in one piece. The door opened and he entered a new environment where he was much better protected from outside attack. He greets the person on duty at the checkpoint and goes to his workstation.

- What's going on, since when have we been attacked? - Lino asked his commander in astonishment.

- An unknown object is in a geostationary trajectory, it opened fire to Earth. We are trying to find the exact location, but we can't get confirmation because it suddenly disappears and reappears in another place - the commander explained - we don't have much time, we have to leave this place and consolidate for a counterattack.

- Brigadier Lino, enter the vectors for going to Nignut, you know this place, the agreement is that we will meet with other defense units there - General Talans ordered him.

Lino's spaceship took off expressly to the detriment of rigorous security protocols that were put on hold due to the emergency. He brazenly resisted the dense Earth's atmosphere and for a moment found himself in a critical area which, unfortunately, not all ships from the Earth's fleet successfully passed. When the spaceship escaped an unknown object after crossing the Moon, there was an outpouring of positive emotions so that everyone on the ship stood up and applauded - the first obstacle was overcome - Lino and his team pulled out alive from a messy situation. They move fast, they cross Mars, Jupiter, the solar wind showers them less and less. They are not alone in their journey to Nignut, that distant outpost for which they have been informed that it will soon be populated by various forces for rapid action.

Lino's spacecraft has arrived at its destination, but in addition to Nignut, there are four other hubs on the edge of the heliosphere where spacecraft gather to retaliate against an unknown object that is relentlessly attacking.

While additional confusion was created by the news that the enemy had changed tactics by getting even closer to Earth and starting to snatch it, Lino decided to spend his time talking to Jelena. That fact alone is encouraging because a few years ago it would not have been technologically possible to have a real-time conversation at such a great distance.

- Earthquakes are everywhere, the ground seems to be collapsing, my knees are kneeling, millions have died, but the satellite binoculars are still working - Jelena sadly told Lina about the current situation.

- We need to study their story, where and why they came from, I'm sure we can offer a solution later - Lino comforted her.

- Everything has been on TV so far as a possible prey, a raw material for aliens: from water in the oceans to atmospheric air, but no one would think that it would come to the very core of the Earth, its heart, all that glowing metal - Jelena explained to Lino  - Why don't they go to Venus or Mercury?

- Maybe some higher power determined that it must be so, I can not accept that technologically advanced civilization has such low ethical values ​​towards other living beings, killing us like anteater ants - Lino had finished comforting Jelena, now he wants to visualize things so to put them in proper perspective. At Lino, a bell rings, then some visual signal that new orders are coming from superiors puts Jelena on hold. The situation was so chaotic that he worried that the conversation with Jelena was the last goodbye to Earth.

- We will activate all maneuvers and initiate the action "The last atom of strength".

Email me luka.jagor(at)outlook.com to order the full story e-book for free.

09 July, 2021

Rave the World Radio Just Opened - 24/7 Service

And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio
Queen - Radio Ga Ga
In the 1930s, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels led the charge to create a radio cheap enough that even workers could own one.
It's weird(o) that television signal was force-changed from analog television to digital television (now 2nd generation in EU), but radio always stays the same analog FM - analogue to gossip.

More on My View of Materialism.

Rave the World Radio is different, it's a free, hybrid, underground radio station - an enthusiastic project from a hyperactive dreamer, me.

Special thanks to all the artists composing beautiful music.

Optimized for the desktop, mobile-optimized for Google Chrome, possible end transmission in Android standby mode with other web browsers.

27 June, 2021

แตแดพแดฐแดฌแต€แดฑแดฐ My View of Materialism

I want to oppose materialism in a way of describing some set of feelings or social events with visual representatives in nature or man-made stuff (abstract art for this might be excluded), it hurts me especially for the use in degrading purpose even though I'm not religious.

Here is my materialistic example: My critics say I'm small and I'm afraid reality is I'm something like a brown dwarf, never will be a real star. That's actually irrelevant because I just hope I'll never fall off the wagon.

Also, if the spirit world exists, I believe people think of it very materialistically.

Understanding the need for constant content refreshing and trying not to recycle present published material - people are playing in their "Imagination simulator" (not a real imagination) to bring something genuinely new, keeping them ahead of the competition. I want to be different, I believe the secret of great power is in peace and harmony, not in chasing material status symbols as I pointed out so many times before.

Update: Check Out - Possible Collision of Inconsistencies in My Blog Posts ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

26 May, 2021

My View of Connecting With Gaia

There are other ways to connect with Gaia besides old-fashioned smoking and spitting. Connecting with Gaia gives a solid sense of living in a certain time and space, as well as a better insight into cosmopolitan affairs.

One should go to nature and try to enjoy it without fear, I know, it is easier said than done. I find it sad, there were so many natural tragedies, but simply going out is the right thing - to go to nature and get closer to it.

Don't do some crazy things like extreme sports because it's stressful for Gaia, it's irritating. I mostly believe that we should inherit the concept promoted by the movies, but likewise improve technology in an ecological way. I consider myself a true friend of animals and plants, Gaia, I am against laboratory experiments on animals, zoos, as well as concreting.

Follow me and so you advocate revolutionary change. Gaia remembers and she'll make it worth your while.

22 April, 2021

My View on the Chip Shortage

No wonder there is a chip shortage because some use them differently, especially by using graphics processing units (GPU) for the blooming cryptocurrency business. Usually, people say - when there is a heavy demand the price goes down, the product matures through the 'democratization' process. Now with the environmental problems, I believe this is stopped, there will be a lot more inflation and products going out of stock. We can expect a poorer future regarding material products, I just hope civil society won't undermine the right to social protection. The Internet has been mainstreamed, good times should occur.

20 April, 2021

Crypto Currencies – Don't Let the Fear of Missing Out Catch You

Please don't skip the meals in the student restaurants or sell the only real estate you have, just to buy a cryptocurrency. You should execute long-lasting due diligence (deep studying) before buying it. I went to the conference back in 2017 at the Faculty of Economics and Business and I would like to write what I have learned there.

We exaggerate when we talk about digital money
Lajoลก ลฝager, Ph. D. Professor,  Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb

A peer-to-peer (P to P) network in which interconnected nodes ("peers") share resources amongst each other without the use of a centralized administrative system

By User:Mauro Bieg - Own work, Public Domain, Link

Sometimes they say that the Bitcoin system is using too much electric power, it is not eco-friendly. In the conference, they concluded that the next big thing in the cryptocurrencies is Ethereum - because it's programmable and it's the way all new coins are coming out. It uses 'smart contracts' — running on Ether —  to get things done. It is unclear how much electric power is using, is there any actual difference between Bitcoin, it remains to be seen.

16 April, 2021

Major Attacks to Computer Freedom

Attackers were able to place malicious code in the PHP central code repository by impersonating key developers
I usually use PHP for web programming, but on this Blogger service Python is being used. Python is more popular than ever, it can easily be empowered with AI software, it is unclear whether Python guys are making the attacks, trying to prove their superiority. I will remain faithful to PHP for now, but my gut feeling is telling me I should lookout.
There are also political problems. It's not nice to see open source community eating itself from the inside. I hope that the time of crisis in the Free Software Foundation will end soon. LibrePlanet and other complementary projects should continue.

11 April, 2021

Please Visit My Digital Art Page

From time to time I feel my art images are like tulips in Holland Tulip mania - but then again my website isn't visited a lot, so I don’t know what’s going on. Either way, feel free to visit my Digital Art page - www.luka.jagor.info - I would be delighted.

28 March, 2021

Free Digital Age Manifesto (reblog 2011)

The goal of the Free Digital Age Manifesto is to raise awareness regarding digital technologies and their application. Driven by the great success of free (open source) technologies, regardless of all the bugs, they drive the world's largest social and educational services as well as the various operating system cores that make up most of the devices we have at work or at home. I think it's time to take a step further.

This is clear to any economist, to any businessman who has “started from scratch”. A step further is the gradual change of perception, necessary to make achievements that according to the current model of "life is suffering" we cannot achieve. This would result in a quantum leap in the evolutionary stage, similar to the transition from dial-up internet to broadband in computer science. The worldwide IQ was increasing by 3 points every ten years due to a good education program and diet, but there was no renaissance-like social effect, and the IQ test was being re-normalized. Now, this so-called Flynn effect is at a tipping point and with a possible end of the progression. So it seems to me that we already have "hardware", and in order to achieve a renaissance-like social effect we need more freedom...

My view of new toilets
...In that name, I propose the construction of a new age toilet on all important world squares. New age toilets are mimicked - meaning a mirror on the outside and glass on the inside.

Free Digital Age Manifesto Logo

More on Free Digital Age Manifesto: https://www.luka.jagor.info/Lovebirds-To-Be-(2011).html 

23 March, 2021

My Support to Climate Activist Bill Gates

On the personal front, I am doing a lot more: I am driving electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat (some of the time!). I buy green aviation fuel. I pay for direct air capture by Climeworks. I help finance electric heat pumps in low cost housing to replace natural gas.
Bill Gates, the author of the book "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster"
Another race has started, a 30-year struggle with climate change, Gates writes in his book. "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster" is listed in The New York Times Best Sellers.  What is there more to say? —Bill Gates is a true savior for our times, you should look up to him.

03 March, 2021

Happy World Maths Day!

A Call for Unity
I'm not an expert, unfortunately, and I'm here a bit on shaky ground, but I believe there should be a clearer way of calculating. There are some controversial standards — PEMDAS, BEDMAS, BODMAS, BIDMAS — mnemonics of the order of operations. I can understand countries wanting to have freedom of expression, but maths should be a more exact science. I would say intuitively there can be only one type of this particular mnemonics and it should correlate perfectly with the observations in physics.

23 February, 2021

Quantum Computing Is Becoming Big - There Are Over 250 Apps Using D-Wave

The D-Wave is the first and only quantum computer built for businesses. User-developed apps on D-Wave systems are quantum chemistry simulation, automotive design, preventative healthcare, logistics, and many other applications. The D-Wave uses a quantum annealing process instead of quantum supremacy (gate model) for computation and has already gained the power of 5000 qubits.

12 February, 2021

It's Official - Internet Has Been Mainstreamed

The decisive moment, a turning point has been reached - roughly 4.66 billion people around the world use the internet. It is highly unlikely that some weird stream will shut us down. The economy relies heavily on the internet, also many artists have online profiles. The internet is neutral in the globalization process because it doesn't favor global players at the expense of the local network, but giving every stakeholder a chance of a breakthrough global success and expansion.

09 February, 2021

Happy Safer Internet Day - Tuesday, 9 February 2021!

We should live in a world of post-quantum cryptography, but it's only a hardware issue. I believe on safe internet problems like "Beware – Online Marketplaces Are Dangerous", darknet and other scam sites shouldn't be accessible. It is up to the individual users to find time and report malicious activity of internet applications or a website. Good luck!

Featured Post

Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...