30 January, 2018

Blogger's Code of Conduct From My Perception

The Blogger's Code of Conduct is a proposal by Tim O'Reilly for bloggers to enforce civility on their blogs by being civil themselves and moderating comments on their blog.

Don't be timid, especially regarding "If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so." - from the Blogger's Code of Conduct! Please think twice before pressing the "Hate speech" or "Fake news" button.

I believe there are too many of those busters, those blogbusters, destructive and angry individuals that destroy anything that gets in their way. In my opinion, freedom of the press is anything except hate speech, only hate speech might be punishable by the law. End users should judge mistakes in content in a way that they don't consume bad content (if you don't like it - don't view it, switch channel).

There is too much political correctness towards political elites, rich - the establishment. Freedom of speech is found only in liberal democracies, don't let terrorists destroy it.

I'm a liberal, I believe that "Hate speech" is an explicit call for violence, it's bad.

The term "Fake news" went viral.  I do not like that syntagm, it has no meaning except as a helper to repressive regimes, to scare liberal reporters.
I will give you an example:  the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Imagine someone wants to write about that?!
It is a storm that has existed for at least 350 years - obviously, it's nothing new - therefore it's "Fake news"?!

I'm not scared, I will continue criticizing whoever and whatever I desire, and encouraging others to continue with good work.

25 January, 2018

Tokamak vs Stellarator - Candidates for Fusion Power

Tokamak device (left) and Stellarator device (right)

Tokamak fields lg.png
Tokamak magnetic field and current. Shown is the toroidal field and the coils (blue) that produce it, the plasma current (red) and the poloidal field creates by it, and the resulting twisted field when these are overlaid.

By http://www.fusionscience.org/technical/ASslides/ASslides.html, Public Domain, Link

W7X-Spulen Plasma blau gelb.jpg
Example of a stellarator design, as used in the Wendelstein 7-X experiment: A series of magnet coils (blue) surrounds the plasma (yellow). A magnetic field line is highlighted in green on the yellow plasma surface.

By Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik - Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, CC BY 3.0Link

24 January, 2018

My Intuitive View on Multiverse

I believe in the multiverse as much as I believe in angels. I was talking to many heavy pot users and these are their pipe dreams about a particular subject:
There are so many scientific "yada yada yada" about multiverse. I think String theories are overrated. We need more consistent and provable unified field (forces) theory A.S.A.P.
I created my own multiverse classification based on intuition:
  1. Constant 
  2. Unstable 
  3. Irrational
I hope it will help someone. Please state your name and position and do comment on this breakthrough thinking 😃 

    23 January, 2018

    Literacy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

    Out of 7.5 billion people worldwide, there are more than one billion illiterate people, aged 15 and above. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the fourth major industrial era since the initial Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. Please don't confuse classical literacy with digital literacy or computer literacy.

    Numbers about digital or computer literacy would show even more untenable economic development and growth. Untenable economic growth is a bad thing because it makes social unease, creating space for conflicts or war.

    Dear people, all of you with decision-making privileges, especially you in Davos, should make a stand to equalize big differences worldwide.

    22 January, 2018

    World Refugee Day - 20 June - Is Approaching

    This not about sharing a burden. It is about sharing a global responsibility, based not only the broad idea of our common humanity but also on the very specific obligations of international law. The root problems are war and hatred, not people who flee; refugees are among the first victims of terrorism.

    Every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution, or terror. Please help poor people. You can join the #WithRefugees petition to send a message to governments that they must work together and do their fair share for refugees.

    The refugee exodus with over 66 million forcibly displaced worldwide is at its peak.

    It is a pity that there is no initiative like it was "Live Aid" in 1985. "World’s richest 1% get 82% of the wealth," Oxfam Charitable organization says, "there is a new billionaire every other day". I don't believe the rich are so much more productive than the others, it's just not fair.

    19 January, 2018

    Global Worming Is Very Real

    It takes time for the propagation of awareness regarding global warming, especially among elderly people. Global warming reaches a 1°C increase in the last 100 years. Nevertheless, I believe we should continue to work hard.

    Please listen to authorities and do exactly what they say regarding global warming/climate change.
    Data source: 𝖭𝖠𝖲𝖠 Goddard Institute for Space Studies (𝖦𝖨𝖲𝖲). Credit: 𝖭𝖠𝖲𝖠/𝖦𝖨𝖲𝖲

    17 January, 2018

    Please Cherish Freedom of the Press

    I emphasize that most journalists are not spoiled, not governed by corporations. Journalists are also very rarely corrupt or spying.

    Journalists have high moral standards and fight against evil regardless of their form. Sometimes it takes only a few good men, or just one person to make a difference.

    There is an old saying:
    The pen is mightier than the sword
    Edward Bulwer-Lytton, English novelist, poet, playwright, and politician

    13 January, 2018

    Please Accept My Deepest Condolences to Families and Friends of Deceased in Catastrophes

    Huge wildfires, then rain and mudslides caused many casualties in California. Cold waves in other parts of the USA also caused many casualties. I'm so sorry. I hope this crazy weather will stop. I'm not religious but it makes me wanna pray.

    Wildfires in Argentina, extremely hot weather in Australia, and the biggest current catastrophe is fire from burning Iranian oil tanker. China struggles to end the fire, but there is a danger for a catastrophe like the "Deepwater Horizon oil spill" in 2010.

    Please accept my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.

    10 January, 2018

    Cult of personality isn't charming nor charismatic

    A cult of personality arises when a regime uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods such as government-organized demonstrations to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
    Charming /ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ/ - adjective - very pleasant or attractive.
    Charismatic /karɪzˈmatɪk/ - adjective - exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others.

    People are being hurt when those terms get confused. Hitler, Stalin were just a few of those who practiced the cult of personality in politics. Dear people of the world, please don't make the same mistake again. You should fire authoritative regimes and their leaders that want to be on TV often, acting as some celebrity, no matter of deceased victims.

    07 January, 2018

    IDN (Internationalized domain name) from my perception

    An internationalized domain name (𝖨𝖣𝖭) is an Internet domain name that contains at least one label that is displayed in software applications, in whole or in part, in a language-specific script or alphabet, such as Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Tamil, Hebrew or the Latin alphabet-based characters with diacritics or ligatures, such as French. 
    Example of Greek 𝖨𝖣𝖭 with a domain name in the non-Latin alphabet: ουτοπία.δπθ.gr
    By Adamantios - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

    I live in Rudeš, it's a neighborhood in Zagreb, almost all my life. Back in 2004 when I first started Rudeš online (www.rudes.info) - web portal about Rudeš, there were so many critics.

    As you can see, "Rudeš" is a non-Latin name because it contains the non-Latin letter "š". At that time the Internet, a project of the United States of America (𝖴𝖲𝖠), had only Latin letters support in assigning domain names to IP addresses.

    It's a completely different story when you use the World Wide Web (abbreviated 𝖶𝖶𝖶 or the Web) as an information space for your online content. Ever since the Web non-Latin chars are available for the content.

    Time has passed and now you can use your own, native letters and symbols for a website or email address name. There is little danger of phishing scams due to current technical limitations. Nevertheless, I would always redirect www.buecher.de ⇒ www.bücher.de, NOT www.bücher.de ⇒ www.buecher.de.

    Nowadays, there are talks about the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (𝖨𝖠𝖭𝖠)  and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (𝖨𝖢𝖠𝖭𝖭). There are some ideas that should be governed by the United Nations, but personally, I think 𝖨𝖠𝖭𝖠 and 𝖨𝖢𝖠𝖭𝖭 should continue doing great work in the current frameset.

    06 January, 2018

    ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱᴰ Timeless questions? ( 3ʳᵈ part )

    1) Is there a difference between a play, game, and sports?
    In psychology and ethology, play is a range of voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities normally associated with recreational pleasure and enjoyment. Play is commonly associated with children and juvenile-level activities, but play occurs at any life stage, and among other higher-functioning animals as well, most notably mammals.
    game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements.
    Sport (British English) or sports (American English) includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.

    05 January, 2018

    ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱᴰ Reality TV is awesome, you can buy a new flat TV as low as $150!

    Reality TV is awesome! Reality TV Show star Caitlyn Jenner coming out front as a transgender person in "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" was very inspirational for many beautiful 𝖫𝖦𝖡𝖳 people. I hope they all find the love of their life as soon as possible. It's never too late to express your real suppressed feelings, thank you Caitlyn Jenner for everything.

    Caitlyn Jenner.jpeg
    United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power interviews Caitlyn Jenner about 𝖫𝖦𝖡𝖳 rights for Human Rights Day, 10 December 2015 Here's what Ambassador Power said about it on Facebook: Today is International Human Rights Day. At the United Nations, we’re working to integrate 𝖫𝖦𝖡𝖳 rights into every discussion on human rights, but there is still so much more we can do so that everyone has the freedom to live as they are without fear. It was good to talk to Caitlyn Jenner recently about the important work we can do at home, at the UN, and internationally. Around the world - and here in the US - transgender people face bullying, abuse, and even fatal violence simply for who they are. The threat is all too real for too many: from 2008-2014, over 1,600 transgender people were killed worldwide.

    By US Mission to the UN - https://amp.twimg.com/v/1f184e96-fdd0-4ddb-87ff-c9d9947b48d3 Twitter, Public Domain, Link

    Please don't confuse transgender people with greedy athletes whose interest in medicine is only how to get profit.

    My life is not a video game

    My life is not a video game ⇔ Let the games R.I.P.

    03 January, 2018

    Populism of the petty bourgeoisie

    In theory, everyone should have equal opportunity, but be careful. The fast rise of populism of the petty bourgeoisie is possible where education is free. You can have families where parents have an only elementary school, and children on the other hand have college. "Superiority complex" doesn't have to be used just for individual psychology, I believe the term could be used in sociology as well.

    Superiority complex leading to populism would be the common denominator for talks in these families. Short-term results of those talks are positive, long-term results are devastating. Please remember that the "Doomsday Clock" is all times height, the cause is the rise of nationalism.

    Some examples of populism backward thinking by subject:

    • Economy: State protectionism and interventionism
    • Geography and space exploration: We have to eat a lot of polenta to get into the universe, Flat Earth Idea
    • Migration: like in Elysium, the movie
    • Health care system: Family medicine 

    02 January, 2018

    ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱᴰ Please stop one of the biggest scams of the century - bottled water

    Bottled Water: The 'Marketing Trick of the Century' (now offline)

    After decades of strong growth, bottled water has surpassed soda as the largest beverage category in the U.S., according to a recent report by research and consulting firm Beverage Marketing Corporation. Bottled water consumption hit a high of 39.3 gallons per capita last year.

    14 reasons bottled water is one of the biggest scams of the century (now offline as well)

    There's nothing quite like the feeling of pure, ice-cold hydration. Some of us get our water for free from the tap. The rest pay for it -- at the cost of roughly $100 billion a year. At that steep a price tag, you might assume buying the bottled stuff would be worth it.
    The Microsoft Network - MSN.com


    WHO launches plastics health review

    The World Health Organization is to launch a review into the potential risks of plastic in drinking water. It will assess the latest research into the spread and impact of so-called microplastics - particles that are small enough to be ingested. It comes after journalism organisation Orb Media found plastic particles in many major brands of bottled water.
    The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
    The lifestyle in Croatia is a little bit different, we don't drink bottled water, but rather pipeline water. I'm afraid that the problem of plastic particles in water also exists, and I kindly ask authorities to check it out.