18 April, 2022

Reliving the Dead - How to Setup Mars in 4 Key Steps

  1. Mars particle deflector - More on Atmospheric Incubator and Space Elevator
  2. Oxygen & fusion generators - Artificial Intelligence Speeds Up the Artificial Sun Project — AI Software to Find Holy Grail in Fusion Energy
  3. Atmospheric weather controller - Luka Jagor on Twitter: It's nice to see meteorology acting proactive...
  4. Adding bio-life 

It's imperative to get proper legal papers for such an ambitious plan, especially with interplanetary "contamination", the precautionary principle has no role here. We need to be strong and fearless to gain possession of that future construction site, not pussyfooting with general-purpose philosophers.

29 March, 2022

Internet Community Is Essential

The existence of the internet community is essential for well-being because we're all in the same boat. Maybe more like a yellow submarine 😊 I'm positive, after reliving the madness and discomfort there should be better days to come. Factors that produce #ClimateChange are deep-rooted, lots of effort is needed to overcome them.

16 March, 2022

My View of Compromise

Compromise is important because it saves energy, however, in that mode, it is not likely that either party involved in the conflict will be completely satisfied, victorious. Compromise should always be used as a tool for dialogue to continue, not as a purpose in itself. Compromise does what's best and helps you get closer to someone without causing too much stress so long-lasting relationships are possible.

In the context of negotiation, a big role is a person who has a lot of power or leverage in the negotiation. They may be able to offer concessions that will make it easier for the other party to accept the deal.

Putting oneself in a big role means taking on more responsibility for achieving an outcome, which could be beneficial if you can meet those expectations.

I was taught I should never be uncompromised, so I mostly take the "easy way out".

09 March, 2022

My View on Latest Events - Malformed Developments, Catastrophes, Miseries

Key highlights 
  • Escape rooms contribute to fear business
  • A short-sighted rebel with ebullient psychocracy make people feel dull, tired
  • There is no need for armed conflicts, there should be many layers of peacekeeping plan preventing it
The solution should be in talking because there are lots of topics that imposed themselves and were pushed under the rug. Inflation, price hikes, new wars, pandemics, climate change, what does it take for a new geopolitical rearrangement? - We must be careful and constantly present, vigilant. My condolences to the victims.

08 March, 2022

Physical Activity Boosts Karma, Immunity

There are so many good effects of physical activity, I'm sure it boosts karma, immunity. I'll continue moderate training, hoping to burn out the extra fat. They say: "It’s All About the Journey" anyway, so I believe as long as I'm out in nature, breathing clean air, moving, working hard on my cardio and aerobic exercises, I'm good. For years and years, I try to get myself in shape. My calculation is always based on the same thing - experts say it's healthy to lose 2 kilos per month, not more. It sounds really good actually because in, let's say, 10 months a person can lose 20 kilos, which is much. I just hope I'll be successful this time.

Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/m0SLQa9keob

06 March, 2022

Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. Some other renewable projects pollute the environment too. We need to stop concreting, limit the consumption of the resources. There must be a feasible alternative for the solution to the problem of renewables💡 production, not another bulky construction.

03 March, 2022

Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Is Healthy and Trendy

Deficiency of a protein called RbAp48 in the hippocampus appears to significantly contribute to the memory loss that creeps up on you as you age.

I've been a vegetarian for almost 7 years and it's been good for me because now, finally, I feel like I've gained strength. 

However, I would like to emphasize from my personal experience and intuition - never neglect proteins, their daily intake, it's very important!

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...