03 April, 2023

My Gardening Hobby

I kept roses tall and unnurtured, they are getting bigger and bigger every day, spreading in all directions. They are healthy. I dream of 'organic' growth, if it is possible, a new stem from the root, or something very close to the ground. Even my irises are very tall this year, and it's been less than 12 months since I've replanted them from a nearby location. Lamprocapnos are up and blooming, I try not to poke around them. I like the ground covered with herbs, and not bare - as some arrange garden flowers. So what if there are some weeds? - We need to get out of the routine, let it grow, to get out of routine in all areas of life, however it shouldn't look too wild.

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Construction Lobby Is Seeking to Add More Work

The construction lobby is seeking to add more work, but we don't need 'endless' wind turbines which obscure the view of nature. ...