29 September, 2023

Heavyweight Car Battery as a Accessory

Supercharged with solar power – a heavyweight battery would be a car accessory. Environmentalists advocate less mining - therefore small battery, possibly of the size of a wristwatch would be perfect for the job with a city car, or smartcar. Just as you sometimes carry snow chains on a long trip, you could also take a heavyweight battery, BESS fuel. City lights at night must have some energy, whether is it possible to maintain minimalistic battery size, all-night drive, and sufficient speed remains to be seen. 

Cool links:

27 September, 2023

Timeless questions? ( 10ᵗʰ part )

Flash 📸 ⚡ haircut? -Yes or no?

I would say definitely yes. My only constraint would be like older clients - they do with bleached hair.

24 September, 2023

ʸᵉˢ ᴺᴼ Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for swimming in the sea - you can be fat, unshaven, scowling... so, according to the UN, everyone is welcome to the beach e.g. an annual vacation.

However, there is a minimum height requirement set for e.g. the state guard of honor, and who knows what else... I'm very interested - is it about discrimination or what? Personally, I think that such mundane factors shouldn't be taken under consideration.

20 September, 2023

New Age of Terror in Mental Institutions

Once you enter, you never leave
Human Rights Watch on Mental Institutions
I believe society need to avoid so-called spaghettification effect (used in astrophysics for falling into a black hole). Psychoeducation combines the elements of cognitive-behavior therapy, group therapy, and education - I have semi-information (damn it, that's why I'm a blogger, not a journalist) that people are scam victims there. Lecturers sometimes dive into space exploration subjects, but they conclude with some conspiracy theories - like the Moon landing is fake... it's impossible to talk that fast at such a long distance (speed of sound)... Honestly, don't you think it's unusual, or bogus? Not to mention bad karma hanging over mental institutions, a global food crisis, or climate change? And the last crewed mission to the Moon was more than 50 years ago?!

Tomorrow is International Day of Peace (by the United Nations), so here is something for you to think about.

07 September, 2023

My Revaluated Standpoint on UBI

I believe that there are many who 'study' freedom and democracy - they drink at night and sleep until the afternoon. If we all agree on UBI, I still believe that dear people would stand up with the 

  • traumatized
  • the chronically exhausted
  • the increasing number of terminally ill
  • as well as with all people who want to have a raging party time

- so that they would meet their needs.